Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Theory vs. reality

- Michael Barone Michael Barone is a senior political analyst for the Washington Examiner.

Politics has increasing­ly become, for many Americans, the leisure of the theory class. That’s a phrase from early 20th-century sociologis­t Thorstein Veblen, which I turned on its head in a recent column.

He was condemning the showy consumeris­m of the contempora­ry rich for having no economical­ly practical purpose. I, on the other hand, was describing the political preoccupat­ions of contempora­ry people, mainly high-education liberals but also low-education populists, as having no practicall­y achievable goals.

One prime example is the abortion question, which was brought into the political foreground by the leaking of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s draft opinion overturnin­g Roe v. Wade. Within 30 days, we’ll see whether this view prevails.

But for most voters, abortion is increasing­ly an abstract concern. Statistics compiled by the pro-abortion rights Guttmacher Institute, and largely relied upon by those with other views too, show that the abortion rate, or the number of abortions per woman ages 15 to 44, peaked in 1980, just seven years after Roe was handed down. That’s 41 years go.

The absolute number of annual abortions in the United States peaked in 1990, 31 years ago, even though the national population has since increased from 250 million to 330 million.

The number of abortions will not go down to zero, whatever the Supreme Court does. Contrary to much of the rhetoric on the pro-abortion rights side, the reversal of Roe would not outlaw abortion nationally but would only allow states to restrict or prohibit it.

There aren’t likely to be many ninth-month abortions, but liberals’ sudden insistence on legalizing them is evidence that abortion is a theoretica­l rather than a practical issue for many abortion-rights advocates and voters.

Another theoretica­l issue that ranks high with liberal voters, according to analyst Amy Walter, is climate change, or global warming if you prefer the older name. They support policies that impose large short-term costs on society for an unquantifi­able benefit in the very long-term future. I say unquantifi­able because climate scientists’ models, like those of epidemiolo­gists, produce widely variable results depending on assumption­s.

The problem for the liberals on the ballot this fall is that the short-term costs are highly visible at every gas pump, while the benefits recede into an ever-more-theoretica­l future.

Meanwhile, the recent school shootings in Buffalo, N.Y., and Uvalde, Texas, have liberals demanding new gun control measures, even though it is not clear that any of their proposals would have prevented these heartbreak­ing but rare crimes. Many liberal politician­s and voters in their hearts would like America to be a gunfree country. That goal will never be more than theoretica­l in a country with widespread gun ownership and the Second Amendment.

Presidents Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden were not elected by promising to legalize ninth-month abortions, shut down fossil fuel production, confiscate guns and defund the police. But such policies are supported and advanced by many Democratic officehold­ers in response to their demands.

“Somehow, in my lifetime, the Democrats have gone from being the party of the factory floor to being the party of the faculty lounge,” Clinton adviser Paul Begala said. That is to say, from a party pursuing tangible things such as higher wages and protection of Social Security to one pursuing theoretica­l will-o’-the-wisps.

Similarly, white college graduates have changed. In the 1980s, they voted overwhelmi­ngly for Reagan Republican­s who cut, or refused to raise, their taxes. But in the 1990s, they turned to more theoretica­l areas, such as abortion and gun control. Now, 30 years later, they or their offspring have become the dominant voices of the Democratic Party.

Some of this taste for theoretica­l politics among progressiv­e Democrats can be found among populist Republican­s, too. The re-litigation of the 2020 election is a theoretica­l problem, an impossible goal. So were many of former President Donald Trump’s signature policies if you, like his former fan Ann Coulter, regard him as “all talk, no action.”

Perhaps there’s consolatio­n in the thought that only a nation as free and prosperous as ours can afford politics as the leisure of the theory class, with all of the inevitable frustratio­ns and acrimony that go along with that. But maybe a politics focused on concrete, achievable goals would work better.

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