Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Need viable solutions


Another American tragedy in Uvalde, Texas. Nine-, 10- and 11-yearolds and two teachers were murdered at the hands of an 18-year-old male with a grudge. Will our congressme­n take action on gun control or simply offer their condolence­s and take the usual course of inaction?

Ted Cruz, senator from Texas, offered two ideas during a media interview. One proposal he made was to arm classroom teachers. I wonder if we have suddenly overcome our teacher shortage to the point that educators would consider this burden at less than half Senator Cruz’s salary. Has anyone ever taken a survey to measure the support for this proposal among those who will be asked to perform this task and, if willing, will they have to arm themselves with, at their expense, AR-15 rifles? Ted Cruz and other representa­tives need to step up and stop blaming others for these tragedies and stop asking others to put their lives at risk. It is time for action from our representa­tives to protect the public with the reasonable gun laws supported by most Americans.

Ted Cruz also suggested having armed police in all schools. Sadly, this did not work in Uvalde, where the gunman was allowed to remain in the school for at least one hour while the school resource officer and local police waited for a special unit to take out the gunman.

Yes, there is always a man behind the gun, some with grudges, some too fearful to act in the face of superior firepower. Maybe now some in the hallowed halls of Congress will see fit to provide viable solutions to this tragic saga in American history.


Mount Ida

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