Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

How long to wait between each kid?

- Write to family psychologi­st John Rosemond at The Leadership Parenting Institute, 420 Craven St., New Bern, N.C., 28560 or email Due to the volume of mail, not every question will be answered. JOHN ROSEMOND


My husband and I have one child, age 2. We’d like to have at least one more. What is the optimal spacing between children?


Research puts ideal sibling spacing at three to four years. A child 3 or younger may respond to the birth of a sibling by regressing behavioral­ly and even becoming aggressive toward the new arrival. On the other hand, a child who is an “only” until age 4 could have difficulty giving up the benefits of that status. In either case, the risk is greater of ongoing jealousy on the part of the older child. Whereas there are no guarantees in childreari­ng, only probabilit­ies, spacing children according to the above “window” increases, as much as possible, the likelihood of the children bonding with one another and enjoying a good relationsh­ip for the long term.


When should we tell our son, now 4, that he was conceived out of wedlock, and how should we tell him?


You are overthinki­ng this. Your question implies that if your son discovers this on his own, he will either be traumatize­d in some way or feel betrayed and never trust you again, or both. Withholdin­g certain informatio­n from a child is justified if the informatio­n is irrelevant and/or unhelpful. In this case, the truth of your son’s premarital origin is both irrelevant and unhelpful. Furthermor­e, your son will figure this out on his own at some point, assuming he acquires basic math skills.

Take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy your parenthood. Take it from someone who knows — you’ll be surprised at how quickly it races by.

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