Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Rightly interpret


Editor, The Commercial:

To a recent letter writer, I say look closely at your TV control and you will find an “off ” button. Push it. After that you won’t see other folks exercising their rights as American citizens.

You write of standing up for God’s word and it would be a good thing if you really did. Look up Ezekiel , Chapter 16, verses 4858. He tells you very plainly there exactly what the sins of Sodom actually were — and it was not the tales you were told and apparently buy into.

The abominatio­n mentioned there was denying hospitalit­y to strangers and the poor which is named as an abominatio­n in Mosaic law. Then you might explore the Hebraic/Chaldean, koine

Greek, and Aramaic the original scriptures were written in.

You see, the King James version was not Jesus’ doing. The King James it was named for was the same King James that had 1,500 women burned as accused witches. The 64 or so translator­s didn’t know, and in some instances weren’t allowed to translate the original terms into words not acceptable in the “Queen’s English” back then. … That being the case, King James’ version doesn’t say what the original languages said.

Next, you might go to the medical references section of the library in your town and do a thorough study of the processes of fetal developmen­t from point of conception through viability. Pay close attention to the neural tube developmen­t and the process’ assignment of gender during that gestation. If your mind hasn’t become so closed that you’d refuse to recognize and accept biological facts you would come to the conclusion that some ignorant preacher steeped in “chimney corner gospel” has led you and a multitude of others into erroneous beliefs not backed by Scripture. Start with that passage I referred to in Ezekiel.

It’s always easy to convince a person of what that person already wants to believe. But to “Study to show one’s self approved unto God, rightly dividing the word of truth” is a pretty tall order. Do you want to know the truth? Or would you prefer to continue spouting that vitriol?


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