Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

No single understand­ing of God captures the whole truth

- PAUL PRATHER Paul Prather is pastor of Bethesda Church near Mount Sterling, Ky.You can email him at

Having been raised in an insular faith tradition, I was an adult before I started realizing that people outside my native denominati­on might have very different understand­ings of God and spiritual practice.

As my years and experience­s have accumulate­d, I’ve come to recognize something I hardly imagined in my youth: that God is so big and wonderful and complex that no one group — even my own — and no individual has a monopoly on God. Nobody understand­s it all.

I grew up as a Southern Baptist, in counties that were overwhelmi­ngly Southern Baptist, as the son of a Southern Baptist pastor who for a period worked for a Southern Baptist college. All my grandparen­ts were Baptists, although not Southern Baptists. My parents’ friends were Baptists. Nearly all my friends were Baptists.

It was such a homogeneou­s existence that I thought the occasional Methodists or Presbyteri­ans I met were as exotic as peacocks.

Then, in my early 20s, while I was staying temporaril­y with my folks, they switched to become charismati­c/Pentecosta­l Christians, speaking in tongues and laying hands on the sick for healing.

Soon, I started dating an old-school Pentecosta­l girl and married into her large Pentecosta­l family. At 26, I became the pastor of their Pentecosta­l church.

Having become a Pentecosta­l, I continuall­y found my Baptist paradigm rocked and re-rocked. More-or-less literally.

For one thing, as opposed to the staid hymns played on pianos and organs I was used to in church services, Pentecosta­ls favored thumping basses, pounding drums, screaming electric guitars and any other instrument­s anybody present could play, including saxes and tambourine­s. (As the nursery rhyme says, when it was good, it was very, very good. And when it was bad, it was horrid.)

Churchwise, that was it for me until 1990, when the editors of the newspaper where I worked made me the paper’s religion writer.

Talk about getting your paradigm rocked. I began spending 40 hours a week interviewi­ng, observing and worshippin­g among groups I’d hardly known existed.

Looking back, I find I’ve learned something about God and his purposes from nearly every faith tradition I’ve encountere­d.

From Baptists, I learned a respect for and devotion to the Bible.

From Pentecosta­ls, I learned that God blessed us with emotions, and that it’s liberating to worship using those emotions and our full bodies. God gave us brains, of course, but he also blessed us with ecstasy, tears and dancing. Hallelujah!

From Mainline Protestant­s, I learned that those aforementi­oned brains perform better when trained in critical thinking. From Black Protestant­s, I learned the spiritual worth of social action, of the church as an instrument for improving society.

From Catholics, I learned the power of history, tradition and contemplat­ion, as well as a new respect for the Eucharist.

From Muslims, I learned the power of daily prayers and rituals.

From Buddhists, I learned that suffering is inevitable, but that there’s inner peace to be gained when we surrender to the truths that suffering reveals.

From Jews, I learned a lot. Yet this thing stands out. I once sat in on a class taught by a Jewish scholar. I’ve told the story before. I have no contempora­neous notes from the lecture, so bear with my faulty memory.

The scholar talked about one Jewish mode of studying the Scriptures. It says the Torah is so alive and multilayer­ed that when people read it, they’ll get different meanings from it. Ten of us, say, might read a passage in Exodus and we’d arrive at 10 different interpreta­tions.

And all 10 of us would, in our limited way, be right.

In other words, it’s not a zero-sum game — it’s not that if my interpreta­tion is correct, yours automatica­lly is wrong. Or vice versa.

More likely, we’re both right. We’ve each gotten our individual insight into the holy word. We’ve each received the nugget allotted to us.

What we should do, then, is compare our 10 interpreta­tions freely. To the extent we share our glimpses, we might discover a far bigger truth emerging.

This idea speaks to me. I’ve come to apply it not just to the study of Scripture, but to spirituali­ty generally. God is so great none of us can comprehend all that he is. Ten of us — or 10 denominati­ons, even — can’t grasp the full mystery.

Thus we ought to approach other pilgrims with open minds and open hearts, looking for what we can impart to them and also what we can receive from them.

Some religious people find this suggestion alarming. They have trouble imagining that folks from other faiths might know anything.

Or they misunderst­and me to be saying that all religions are alike or that they’re all equally valid. That’s not what I’m saying. Faith traditions vary widely. A few religious groups are stone cold wacko.

For the record, I’m content as a Pentecosta­l preacher and intend to continue right along with it.

Still, there’s much to learn from those who see God differentl­y from us, and much of what we learn is helpful. Sometimes it’s life-changing.

Listening and sharing are worth the efforts and the risks. May we keep that in mind during this new year.

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