Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Israel strikes back after militants launch rocket


TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel struck targets in the Gaza Strip early Thursday hours after Palestinia­n militants fired a rocket at Israel, the military said, the latest in an uptick of violence in the region.

Israeli aircraft struck a rocket production workshop in the Gaza Strip as well as a storage site used by a rocket production line. Late Wednesday, Israeli air defenses intercepte­d a rocket from Gaza, the army said.

There were no reports of casualties from the rocket or the airstrikes and later Thursday the violence appeared to have subsided.

Also Thursday, Israeli media reported a 75-year-old man wounded in a Palestinia­n attack last year died from wounds suffered in the violence.

The exchange further raised tensions during a particular­ly bloody period in the long-running Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict, which in recent days has seen a deadly military raid in the West Bank and and a fatal Palestinia­n shooting attack outside a synagogue.

Last week, Gaza militants and Israel broke months of cross-border calm by exchanging rockets and airstrikes after Israel killed 10 Palestinia­ns, most of them militants, in a military operation in the West Bank refugee camp of Jenin.

The latest friction point appeared to be over Palestinia­n prisoners held by Israel on security charges. Israel’s national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, an ultranatio­nalist and a senior member of the most right-wing government in Israel’s history, has pledged even tougher treatment of the prisoners in recent days.

Ben-Gvir said rockets from Gaza won’t stop him from implementi­ng punitive policies against the prisoners. He called for an urgent Security Cabinet meeting to discuss the issue.

In Palestinia­n society, prisoners are generally revered as heroes, with virtually every Palestinia­n family having had members jailed by Israel on security charges over the course of the decades-long conflict. Several thousand are locked up at any given time, with charges ranging from stone-throwing to deadly attacks on Israelis.

Israeli-Palestinia­n violence has spiked in recent days as U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited with a call for calm.

Last week’s army raid in the Jenin camp was followed by the shooting attack near the Jerusalem synagogue on Friday that killed seven and another Jerusalem shooting in which a 13-year-old Palestinia­n wounded two Israelis.

Since then, Israel has approved a series of punitive steps against the Palestinia­ns.

The raids were sparked by a spate of Palestinia­n shooting attacks last spring. On Thursday, the death toll from those attacks rose to 20 after the 75-year-old man died following an extended stay in hospital. A total of 30 people were killed in Palestinia­n attacks last year.

Nearly 150 Palestinia­ns were killed in the West Bank and east Jerusalem last year, making 2022 the deadliest year in those territorie­s since 2004, according to a leading Israeli rights group.

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