Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR HELOISE: My mom and uncle are in their 80s, and they did not need any more “stuff” for Christmas. So, I gave them the gift of a home-cooked meal once a week for a year. This could be done for birthdays or other special occasions, but it can also be enjoyed all year if your schedule allows.

— K.M., Centervill­e, Ohio DEAR READER: This is a very nice gift to give people who have everything they need. Just getting out and seeing family, talking with other relatives, and eating a nice warm meal

means a lot to the elderly. It lets them know that you are thinking of them and probably improves their overall view of life, maybe even their health, too.

DEAR HELOISE: Why do ice cubes have to be square? I wondered about that and decided to try something new. Since my eggs come in a clear, plastic container with indentatio­ns for each egg, I filled each rounded egg slot with water and stuck it in the freezer. Not only did this give me extra ice cubes, it gave me rounded ice on one side. You can use all types of empty containers to get unique shapes of ice for your drinks.

— Linda T., Tyler, Texas DEAR HELOISE: If you want to stop uninvited solicitati­on from a number of charities, maybe you can do what I did.

When the request for a contributi­on arrives, it usually has a self-addressed envelope. Instead of a contributi­on, I send them a note that reads, “Please take me off your mailing list.” Then, I drop it off in the mailbox. This has worked well for me over the past few years.

— Reader in Indiana DEAR HELOISE: As a longtime reader who enjoys using many of your hints, I have one that I’ve never seen in your column before. If people have a garden and some old pans they no longer use, try filling them with fresh, clean water and allow the birds to bathe in the water-filled pans or to get a drink (usually during warmer weather). If you place these around the garden, it will attract birds, and it gives you a chance to reuse your old pans.

— Elsa M., Walnut, Calif. DEAR READER: I use old bowls to help the beautiful cardinals and blue jays that we have in the area. the birds love to cool off on warm days by splashing in the water, and there’s always water for them to drink. This keeps them coming back and allows us to enjoy observing these lovely creatures. HELOISE

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