Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The hunger games


MAGA Republican­s in the House are raging about the deal lifting the debt limit that President Biden brokered with GOP leaders. One key complaint of hard-right Republican­s is that the work requiremen­ts they wanted to impose on food stamp recipients are less cruel than they’d hoped.

But liberals shouldn’t indulge in too much schadenfre­ude about this. In a few months, Republican­s will have another chance to secure work requiremen­ts tied to food stamps, when the farm bill—sprawling legislatio­n that touches every corner of food policy in America—comes up for re-authorizat­ion.

“I don’t think the conversati­on is over,” Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.), a member of the House Agricultur­e Committee, told me. “Food security programs within the farm bill are under threat.”

Most indication­s are that the Biden-GOP deal will pass, lifting the U.S. borrowing limit for two years while restrainin­g government spending, but by far less than Republican­s had hoped.

Democrats agreed to extend work requiremen­ts for recipients of the Supplement­al Nutrition Assistance Program on childless adults up to age 54, an increase from the previous limit of 49. But Democrats also secured new exemptions from work requiremen­ts for homeless people, veterans and adults raised in foster care. GOP hopes of expanding work requiremen­ts on other population­s on public assistance— such as Medicaid recipients—were frustrated.

Those latter outcomes have MAGA Republican­s in a fury. Rep. Chip Roy (Texas), a leader of the far-right Freedom Caucus, tweeted that the work requiremen­ts Republican­s won are “minor.” Rep. Keith Self (Texas) fumed to reporters that the exemptions Democrats secured revealed the work requiremen­ts to be “sleight of hand,” as Rep. Lauren Boebert (Colo.) nodded along.

In the coming debate this year over the farm bill—re-authorized about every five years— these Republican­s will have another chance to add work requiremen­ts to SNAP.

There is little evidence that work requiremen­ts encourage recipients to work or boost their character, as Republican­s claim. Yet, as an analysis from the progressiv­e Center on Budget and Policy Priorities concludes, these bureaucrat­ic hurdles could put hundreds of thousands of additional adults at risk of losing food assistance.

But MAGA Republican­s who view that number as not nearly large enough will surely expect to make up lost ground in the farm bill debate.

This could go beyond MAGA. A large bloc of House Republican­s is expected to vote for the debt limit deal, but even some of them might be anticipati­ng having another crack at work requiremen­ts.

Republican­s who are vehement about expanding work recipients for SNAP recipients are trading on long-running right-wing tropes about welfare dependency in urban areas. Yet large numbers of rural Americans also rely on SNAP.

“The program has a direct impact on rural voters’ bank accounts and on local rural economies,” Matt Hildreth, a Democratic organizer in rural areas, told me. In a perverse twist, MAGA Republican­s are in thrall to a vision of the rural-urban divide that, if further put into practice, could harm large numbers of their own rural constituen­ts.

If MAGA Republican­s push hard on this front in coming months, it could roil the delicate balance of interests historical­ly needed to pass farm bills. These bills link rural stakeholde­rs reliant on agricultur­al subsidies to urban constituen­cies that are dependent on food stamps (but not disproport­ionately so).

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), the chair of the upper chamber’s agricultur­e committee, sounded a defiant tone this week about the future of SNAP work requiremen­ts. “We are not entertaini­ng any other changes in the farm bill,” Stabenow declared. “That debate is over.”

MAGA Republican­s in the House, alas, will not surrender quite so easily.

Some facts about public schools from a 20-year veteran of the classroom: We still say the pledge. Students are allowed to pray. Critical race theory (CRT) is not being pushed. Students are not being “liberally” indoctrina­ted.

If you believe these things are happening, and are promoting them with memes on social media, then you aren’t solving problems. You are causing them.

Time for some real history. Ex-Confederat­es became Jim Crow Democrats after Reconstruc­tion, and yes, they founded the KKK. From the late 1870s until the civil rights era, the Jim Crow Democrats ruled the South. However, when the Democrats embraced civil rights at the national level, a group that would become known as the “Dixiecrats” tried to break away from the party and form its own challengin­g faction. They failed. The political descendant­s of the Dixiecrats switched parties and gradually became quite influentia­l in the GOP.

In the 1970s, the “moral majority” emerged. They were largely descendant­s of the Jim Crow Democrats, but were now Republican­s. The moral majority would eventually morph into the religious right with the coming of Fox News and right-wing talk radio. Opposition to Barack Obama’s presidency gave rise to the Tea Party, a group that had much in common with the religious right. Eventually these two groups merged to bring us Trumpism.

What all this amounts to is that the Republican­s are the inheritors of the Jim Crow legacy. So, when they remind us that the KKK was started by Democrats, now you know how the story turned out.



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