Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Schools take stand against intoleranc­e


It was supposed to be a routine vote. On the Tuesday agenda for the Glendale Unified School District Board of Education was an item designatin­g June as Pride Month for the LGBTQ+ community, recognizin­g the month in which the 1969 Stonewall uprising began. Local boards and councils vote on ceremonial items like this all the time to recognize various communitie­s in their districts.

But then the agents of hate showed up. Even before the meeting, dozens of people gathered outside to lodge their objection to a vote that they believe supported the rights of LGBTQ+ people. Among the protesters were members of the Proud Boys, a group advocating for white supremacis­t and anti-government ideologies that participat­ed in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrecti­on. Soon, LGBTQ+ advocates showed up to protest the protesters, and before long the crowd became unruly and violent. Three people were arrested.

In the end, the Glendale school board voted to support the designatio­n and, in so doing, took a courageous stand against an insidious strain of intoleranc­e that has been creeping into public school districts across the nation.

Just the week before, a very similar scenario played out in North Hollywood over a school assembly featuring “The Great Big Book of Families” at the Saticoy Elementary School. Protesters carried signs with statements such as “Parental Choice Matters.” Ironically, Saticoy parents did have a choice about whether they wanted their kids to attend the assembly.

That protest didn’t scare the Los Angeles Unified school board either. On Tuesday the board passed a resolution listing upcoming events it will recognize in addition to Pride Month, such as LGBTQ+ History Month in October and Transgende­r Day of Remembranc­e on Nov. 20. In addition, the resolution encourages all district schools to incorporat­e LGBTQ+ curriculum adopted by the state.

Troublingl­y, the protests in Glendale and North Hollywood are part of a growing political movement nationwide targeting LGBTQ+ communitie­s, trying to silence and erase them, and even often falsely accusing them of crimes. Books that have been banned in districts nationwide, including in California, are often targeted solely because they include LGBTQ+ characters or topics.

On Tuesday, the Human Rights Campaign declared a state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people in the U.S. in light of more than 525 state bills in 2023 targeting them. It was the first time in its 43-year history that the civil rights organizati­on made such a declaratio­n. More than 70 of these bills have been signed into law so far this year.

These targeted campaigns aren’t just happening in states governed by primarily Republican legislator­s. At the Temecula Valley Unified School District in Riverside County, teachers protested on Tuesday after the school board rejected social studies textbooks and curriculum for elementary students that contained what school board members called “morally objectiona­ble material.” School board President Joseph Komrosky called slain gay rights activist and former San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk “a pedophile.” Shame on that board for tolerating such hateful statements at a public meeting.

Too many school districts are giving in to the intolerant bullies. Los Angeles and Glendale should be proud that their school boards did not.

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