Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Character does count


Re Edward Chevallier, who is “jumping back on the Trump Train. Toot, toot!”: He endorses Trump’s policies, not his character, then mostly makes biased character comparison­s with a number of Democrats.

We have recently experience­d several movements, like Black Lives Matter and Me Too. I suggest we are deep into another movement; I call it the Character Doesn’t Count Movement.

It would require much more space to delve into why character should be the most important considerat­ion, and the consequenc­es when character is ignored; but here goes. First, you may like someone’s policies, but if he has no character, you cannot count on him to maintain them or to implement them with integrity.

Second, lack of trustworth­iness. Donald Trump has given us some remarkable examples: the election was stolen; the vice president can accept any set of electors that show up on certificat­ion day to vote; those who attacked police, hunted members of Congress, and defaced the Capitol building are patriots; etc. Truth is no longer that which aligns with reality; it is whatever Trump says it is.

Third, just pure corruption. We have no idea of the extent, but we do know about Trump University, the Trump Foundation swindling veterans, using the office to steer business to his personal businesses, etc., ad nauseam.

Fourth, lack of ethics. Declaring bankruptcy multiple times (not illegal but stiffing hundreds of hardworkin­g contractor­s and laborers) while boasting about his wealth; attacking women and infidelity; encouragin­g violence on his behalf; multiple examples of slander; attacks on those not in agreement; name-calling like a third-grader; refusal to peacefully relinquish the office of president, etc.

Fifth, lack of respect and obedience to the U.S. Constituti­on and subversion of our democratic ideals, election process, and way of life.

Character matters greatly. I am a Christian, and it is particular­ly distressin­g that so many that call themselves Christian have fully bought in to the Character Doesn’t Count Movement. Yes, the train has left the station, and if we can’t get it stopped, the consequenc­es for our country and for us citizens will be dire.


Heber Springs

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