Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

5 ways to help keep pests out of the backyard


Summer inspires many families to host outdoor gatherings at their homes. From weekend barbecues with friends to family reunions, those backyard moments are the highlights of summer weekends. However, you may find some unwanted guests such as ants, spiders, flies and mosquitoes at your gatherings.

But some careful planning can help alleviate the worry about pests crashing the party. Here are five tips to help reduce pests at your summertime gatherings.

1. Keep your yard clean.

It is always better to be safe than sorry. Get ahead of pests by removing places where they can breed and thrive in your backyard.

As the weather warms up, clean up your yard. Remove debris or standing water, which can attract mosquitoes, flies and other pests. Don’t forget to keep your trash cans covered to prevent insects from being drawn to them.

2. Serve food and drinks indoors.

While outdoor dining is great, food and sweet drinks serve as invitation­s to flies and other insects. To help keep pests away, serve food and drinks indoors. Guests can grab their plates, cups and cutlery, load up on delicious food and beverages, and head outdoors to enjoy a feast in the sun or under the moon.

If you must serve food outdoors, keep food in sealed containers. Not only will this keep pests away, but it can also help keep your food fresher longer.

3. Use insecticid­es with plant-based active ingredient­s.

Nature has evolved powerful bug-fighting plants such as lemongrass, mint and rosemary. When extracted, these botanicals can be incredibly effective at keeping bugs away from your guests. STEM, a pest control brand, offers a full line of products formulated with these botanicals, making them safe around people and pets when used as directed. Packed with plant-based active ingredient­s, STEM insecticid­es effectivel­y fight nature with nature without any added dye, fragrance or harsh chemical odor.

No matter how you like to enjoy the warmer weather, STEM has got your family and home covered. By using products such as STEM Bug Killer Spray (Ants, Roaches, Flies) and STEM Bug Killer Spray (Ants, Roaches, Spiders), you can reduce the risk of pest party crashers at your summer gatherings. The nozzles specifical­ly target insects more effectivel­y to help you and your guests prevent bugs indoors and outdoors.

4. Invest in outdoor fans.

If you live in a hot, humid climate, gathering outdoors with guests can be a bit uncomforta­ble. This weather is also incredibly favorable to mosquitoes. To keep your guests cool and comfortabl­e, while keeping mosquitoes and other flying insects at bay, consider investing in outdoor fans. Using a long grounded outdoor power cord, you can easily set up fans on your deck, patio or porches. Enjoy a little bit of a breeze while you brunch without bugs getting in the way.

5. Install screens or netting.

If you have a covered patio or outdoor kitchen, you can install screens or netting to keep flying insects such as mosquitoes away from your summer gathering. Guests can sit and enjoy food and conversati­on without insects settling on them or their meals.

Even if you do not have a patio, you can purchase a popup screen tent or screened canopy. These structures can fit over tables and chairs, giving your family an enclosed, pest-free space that also provides shade.

Enjoy your personal slice of nature without worrying about getting bitten or bombarded by bugs. Using these five tips, you can comfortabl­y host backyard get-togethers and help keep insects and other pests away from your summer fun.

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