Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Warnings came true


Before the last election I did all I could to warn voters of what Republican­s would do if elected. Predictabl­e as snakes are for biting, Republican agendas are predictabl­e as well. They’ll make the most personal of your decisions for you, then make laws compelling your compliance. It seems their loyalty is to whoever pays them the best, and most of them will lie to you without compunctio­n. Most of them in Arkansas voted for and still vigorously support a compulsive liar who I believe to be immoral, amoral, narcissist­ic, and complicit in the recent sedition against the country.

Now they have voted for the liar’s liar as governor. She was taught by her father, who it seems has decided that working for Caesar pays better. The embarrassm­ent we had for attorney general was term-limited so she is now lieutenant governor, and now we have a man of questionab­le background as attorney general. He has been fully endorsed by the biggest liar in the country.

Republican­s render allegiance to the NRA and promote its phallic symbols to be legally carried any place they choose.

When we twice elected a Black man as president, it appears the racist rednecks all across the South became Republican­s to make sure that never happens again. Their intent to “Make America Great Again” is to suppress the votes of minorities and keep women in their places while telling you it’s God’s will.

I told you they’d prevent the teaching of factual history in the schools so they don’t have to admit what was done to Blacks, Indians, and certain others by white people who still have the hubris to call themselves Christian. Empress Sarah has issued that order, just as I said she would. They wrote those history books the way they wanted them.



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