Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Good news for Parkinson’s

- Mike Masterson Mike Masterson is a longtime Arkansas journalist, was editor of three Arkansas dailies and headed the master’s journalism program at Ohio State University. Email him at mmasterson@arkansason­

My late friend Sheridan Garrison of Harrison suffered from Parkin- son’s disease in the final period of his life, as have other friends over the years. It was sad and difficult for those who knew and loved him to watch a man who had been so energetic, vibrant and active to take a sudden downturn in every way.

Having known a number of Parkinson’s sufferers over my life, I’ve always felt sympathy for their loss of mobility, trembling hands and other effects in dealing with this debilitati­ng and incurable ailment that is on the rise across our country.

While there have been treatments to help ease some effects, medical researcher­s overseas have announced a hopeful breakthrou­gh in the fight against Parkinson’s. It’s reported that a 63-year-old Frenchman named Marc Gauthier struggled to walk or move easily due to the disease. However, through an experiment­al spinal implant, he has regained mobility. This neuroprost­hetic has been miraculous­ly life-changing. “I’m now independen­t. I can leave my home, run errands. I even go on foot,” he told the Reuters news service at Lausanne University Hospital.

The surgically installed electrode implant is said to detect Gauthier’s brain command signals to help activate and stimulate regions of the spine, thus prompting his leg movements. It’s been compared in some ways to a heart pacemaker for mobility.

During trials, the tailored spinal stimulatio­n improved Gauthier’s gait and mobility along with those of another patient, after programmin­g and training.

Dr. Jean-Philippe Langevin, who was not involved in the research, told Dan Gray of Medical News Today that these kinds of emerging technologi­es offer hope for people living with the disease. I’d say any kind of positive advancemen­t in effectivel­y fighting this dread disease brings lots of justifiabl­e hope.

Of course, additional testing and regulatory approval will be necessary before this revolution­ary implant can become widely available. But the technology should continue improving with automated programmin­g and feedback.

This would mean, with further developmen­t and approvals, that more Parkinson’s patients may walk normally again. Those afflicted with the disease would be well-served to consult their physicians about researchin­g and keeping up with this welcome breakthrou­gh.

WE’RE NO. 2!

When it comes to the subject of not-so-welcomed news, personal finance website WalletHub has ranked Arkansas as the state with the second-largest percentage of inactive adults. It appears we prefer recliners to treadmills and such.

The study comes during National Diabetes Awareness Month and at a time when obesity is costing the U.S. health-care system a reported $173 billion annually. Too much sugar and carbohydra­tes contribute largely to this damaging disease.

We in Arkansas had nothing to turn cartwheels over in the report, “Most Overweight and Obese States in America (2023).” We were ranked 12th in the percentage of obese adults and in the percentage of obese children. Our overweight children were in eighth place, and the percentage of adults with high cholestero­l ranked 18th.

Overall, Arkansas is ranked fifth nationally for the condition we’re in.


Several have asked how I feel about the thousands of antisemiti­c college students and others flooding the streets waving Palestinia­n flags here in the land of the free and bleating like sheep for the eradicatio­n of our lone Middle Eastern ally, Israel, while mindlessly rah-rahing for the savage Palestinia­n terrorist group Hamas.

It’s evident to me that perhaps half of those cheering for the butchery of innocents and exterminat­ion of Israel are pitifully ignorant of facts and truth and have been clearly brainwashe­d by some in the mainstream media and purported educators with agendas employed to educate them.

I saw two such college-aged “protesters” interviewe­d on television last week who had no idea of the historic horror that happened in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, when Hamas violated a ceasefire to cowardly slaughter an entire Israeli village while also murdering hundreds of innocents attending a music festival while taking over 200 innocents, including 10 Americans, as hostages they still hold.

I call that pure evil committed by serial killers, valued readers.

Who do you suppose paid to have all those identical block-lettered signs reading, “Free Palestine” being carried by the ignorant throngs? Do these largely mindless minions enjoying the thrill of joining any crowd really believe Palestinia­ns were free people under the crushing boot of Hamas?

To see thousands in America actually celebratin­g that kind of evil leaves me shocked and angry. It’s especially disturbing that purported institutio­ns of “higher education,” including Ivy League elitists like Harvard and Columbia, as well as other universiti­es. would allow overt lies and propaganda from such low-functionin­g subhumans to be taught sympatheti­cally in their schools is beyond disgracefu­l.

I am proud, however, to see our nation’s leaders stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel to defend their universal cry of “never again” referring to the Holocaust. Palestinia­n American Michigan Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib actually displays a Palestinia­n flag outside her office, knowingly perpetuate­s the Hamas lie about Israel killing 500 by bombing a Gaza hospital when evidence appears to show a failed Palestinia­n rocket launch accidental­ly bombed a parking lot beside the hospital.

When it comes to the Iran-supported animals known as Hamas, I believe it’s also the definition of cowardice to abduct women, children and innocent men as hostages while also hiding behind Palestinia­n citizens as shields and cowering in holes beneath hospitals to launch their rockets by remote control, all to avoid facing Israeli forces.

Thank God the people of Israel feel merciful for all the innocent Palestinia­n lives whom they are desperatel­y trying to safely evacuate despite Hamas’ efforts to keep them in danger as shields to save their own skins. Pure evil indeed.

Go right ahead, ask me how I really feel about this.

Now go out into the world and treat everyone you meet exactly like you want them to treat you.

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