Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Poland’s president swears in leadership

Government likely to be short-lived


WARSAW, Poland — Poland’s president on Monday swore in a government that is expected to last no longer than 14 days, a tactical maneuver that allows the conservati­ve Law and Justice party to hang onto power a bit longer — and make more appointmen­ts to state bodies.

Following a national election in October , President Andrzej Duda swore in Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who has held that position since late 2017. According to the constituti­on, Morawiecki and his Cabinet will have 14 days to face a vote of confidence in parliament.

They are almost certain to lose the vote because Morawiecki has no coalition partners after his nationalis­t and conservati­ve Law and Justice party lost its parliament­ary majority and no other parties want to join its government.

Morawiecki says he is trying to find partners to govern with but himself puts his chances at “10% or even less.”

Other members of Morawiecki’s new Cabinet also took their oaths. Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak remained, but most of the other ministries, including foreign, justice and education ministries — were filled by new appointees. Some political veterans likely did not want to be part of a government expected to fail.

There were many women and young members in the new government, something Duda praised. He addressed them, telling them he knows most of them already, not as ministers but “as experts, as people who have so far worked in the second line.”

Critics of Morawiecki and Duda — who is politicall­y aligned with Law and Justice — denounce the decision to tap a government with no apparent chance at winning parliament­ary backing as a hopeless act of political theater.

Some critics point out that the outgoing party is using the time to make more appointmen­ts, which will extend its influence over state bodies even after giving up the reins of government. It has in recent days nominated loyalists to head the state auditing body and the financial supervisio­n authority.

After eight years in power, Law and Justice won the most votes in the election but lost its parliament­ary majority, getting just 194 seats in the 460-seat lower house of parliament, the Sejm.

Power is already passing to a bloc of pro-European Union parties that ran on three separate ballots but vowed to work together. They jointly gained a parliament­ary majority of 248 seats and are already leading the work of the parliament.

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