Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- BOBBY WOLFF If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

It has been a thousand times observed, and I must observe it once more, that the hours we pass with happy prospects in view are more pleasing than those crowned with fruition.

— Oliver Goldsmith

Many expert pairs play Drury, where a passed-hand two-club response to a major-suit opening shows 9-11 points with three- or four-card support. Thus, North’s passed-hand jump raise showed 6-8 points and four or more trumps.

Against four spades, West made the off-beat lead of a trump, hoping to cut down on ruffs. That went to the queen and ace, and declarer led a diamond to open his communicat­ions. He needed to take heart ruffs in dummy, but he also had to set up a way back to hand.

West took the diamond with the king and played a trump, declarer winning cheaply. Then came the heart ace, a low heart ruffed, a diamond ruff and another low heart ruffed, establishi­ng the suit on the 4-3 break. Declarer returned to hand with a diamond ruff to draw the final trump and enjoy his long hearts.

West could have given declarer a harder time by switching to clubs at trick three. East would take the queen and ace before playing a third round, threatenin­g to promote West’s spade 10. Declarer would surely ruff high, placing the spade 10 on his left based on the play to trick one. That would, in theory, leave declarer a trump short to establish the 13th heart.

However, what could West discard on the third club? A heart would allow declarer to set up that suit, while a diamond pitch would see the ace ruff down, leaving declarer with two minor-suit tricks on table. Since an underruff would be suicidal, declarer would be able to come home if he read the position.

ANSWER: Bid four clubs to show both majors. This is a slight stretch on values, but you could make game facing queen-fourth in a major and nothing else. It would not be wise simply to guess which major to bid, lest you miss a fit in the other. Identifyin­g the correct strain is more important than pussyfooti­ng about the correct level and trying to play it safe.

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