Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE — Judy Nichols, Mansfield, Ohio — Patty Ehrle, via email — Fannie Groveman, Kettering, Ohio

DEAR HELOISE: As we baby boomers become senior citizens, we find ourselves increasing­ly struggling with packaging of all kinds. I routinely have to get out my X-Acto knife to open products encased in impenetrab­le, heavy plastic backed by stiff cardboard.

Push-and-turn and squeezeand-turn caps on everything, from over-the-counter medicines to toilet cleaner, have become very challengin­g to remove. And the stiff plastic seals around some of these caps have broken many a thumbnail.

Sharp scissors are a must, and yes, I have stabbed my hand on occasion while using them. I once had to take a hammer to smash the cap of a bottle of eye drops. Fortunatel­y, I still had an old bottle and was able to use its lid. (Also, speaking of eye drops, the round bottles are much harder to squeeze drops out of than oblong bottles.)

I understand the safety precaution­s involved with today’s packaging, but I think we may have gone overboard. I am so grateful that I can at least request non-senior-proof caps on my prescripti­ons.

DEAR HELOISE: A recent column listed some ideas of things to clean with toothpaste. I just found that my toothpaste contains xylitol, which can be fatal to dogs if they ingest even a trace of it. If a dog ingests a used piece of chewing gum that contains xylitol, it can suffer from severe seizures and sudden death.

DEAR HELOISE: The latest scam in the Dayton, Ohio, area is a text from someone passing themselves off to be the post office, informing you that they have received a package for you, but that the address is unreadable. So, they ask you to please click a link below. (Do not do it.) They make it look official, but here are a couple of clues to look out for:

If they could find your phone number, they could also find your address. If the email address they provide ends with “.com,” give it a second look because all emails from government agencies end with “.gov,” just as school addresses end with “.edu.” As a final touch, at the end of their message, they tell you to have a nice day. No government message ends like that; it’s usually strict business.

Do not click on anything! Block and delete the message; then report it as junk. But don’t be surprised if it keeps coming back. I have blocked the number and deleted the text three times this week.

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