Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Tale in NY mayor book is said false


Even for Eric Adams, whose hardscrabb­le upbringing featured heavily in his rise to become mayor of New York City, the tale of his near-miss school shooting was harrowing.

One day at school, Adams was hanging out with a group of friends when someone showed up with a gun, according to his 2009 book, “Don’t Let It Happen.” Still a child at the time, Adams believed the weapon was a fake.

“I pointed what I thought was a toy gun at my group of friends and pulled the trigger,” the passage reads. “A round discharged, and only by the grace of God and my poor aim did the bullet miss my friends. The incident scared me so much that I dropped the gun and ran.”

But at a news conference Monday, a few days after the passage was highlighte­d in an article by the publicatio­n Byline, Adams said the dramatic encounter did not happen.

“I never fired a gun in school,” he said. “The co-author of the book may have misunderst­ood” an incident “where someone pointed what they thought was a toy gun,” he added.

Adams then said the book “never got into print because it never went through the proof-reading aspect of it.”

However the book, which lists only Adams as an author, is currently for sale on Amazon and the Barnes & Noble website, and a physical copy was shown to Adams on Monday. It was also mentioned in a 2021 New York Magazine cover story about Adams, and a 2022 Politico profile.

A City Hall spokespers­on said after the press conference that the mayor had never reviewed the final version of the book and only just learned it was publicly available.

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