Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Practicing forgivenes­s

- Brenette Wilder Special to The Commercial

There is a proverbial closed door that many of us have constructe­d within our hearts that separates us from someone or something. Some doors are massively forged under pressure with stacks of unresolved hurt. Year after year, we fortify that door with anger that enhances the strength of the door to protect and prevent forced entry.

Much like a castle door that is constructe­d from thick heavy wood and iron, it would take a battering ram to knock that sucker down.

The door represents unforgiven­ess: the inability to release a harm caused by an offender. The door size and material type represent the gravity of the offense. The fact that the door is closed represents a form of blockade or protection from an unwanted intrusion.

Smaller doors are the most common. Usually, they are built using simple materials and take longer to construct. Using my human imaginatio­n, the door is fabricated with weak particle board material that can only withstand weaker attacks. Consequent­ly, if an olive branch is offered early in the fabricatio­n process by the offender, the door can easily be collapsed.

Consider a simple misunderst­anding of who said what. By addressing the miscommuni­cation early and explaining your intentions, you have a greater chance of resolving it. But, when unaddresse­d, the misunderst­anding starts to fester and the particle board material fossilizes into a stronger material preserving it within your heart.

As time passes, it becomes the foundation for the next harm, and the next, until an unforgivin­g fossilized door is erected and the strength of an olive branch loses its power.

Why is it so hard to forgive? For an impartial answer, I read an article found in Harvard Health Publishing, entitled, The Power of Forgivenes­s.

From that article, I want to share two excerpts that caught my eye. The first states that “there are two sides to forgivenes­s: decisional and emotional. Decisional forgivenes­s involves a conscious choice to replace ill will with good will. This is often quicker and easier to accomplish.”

The second excerpt points out that “emotional forgivenes­s is much harder and takes longer, as it’s common for those feelings to return on a regular basis. This often happens when you think about the offender, or something triggers the memory, or you still suffer from the adverse consequenc­es of the action.”

But there was one solution in the article that resonated with me: “Practice forgivenes­s.” I love this idea. The article suggested that most of us do it without noticing that we are practicing forgivenes­s. It can be anything like forgiving someone from taking your parking place that you waited several minutes for. Although you were annoyed and said a few choice words under your breath, you intentiona­lly decided to let it go.

We also forgive people when they accidental­ly bump into us on a crowded street. Each time we say sorry to random offenses, we are practicing forgivenes­s. Each time we choose to allow the effects of what someone said or did roll away like water off a duck’s back, we are practicing forgivenes­s.

But don’t take it from me. Read your Bible. Forgivenes­s is part of Jesus’ character. In John 8, we read about Jesus forgiving a woman caught in adultery. He forgave and restored one of His disciples, Peter, for denying Him three times, Matthew 26:69-75; John 21:15-17. He even taught us to ask for forgivenes­s for our own sins, Matthew 6:12.

Jesus’ practice of forgiving led Him to the climactic act on the cross; where he said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing,” Luke 23:34.

Keep in mind that He said this after being lied on, spit upon, beaten, and scourged. Yet, He still forgave their/ our ugly sins.

And, when He spoke to the crowd while dying on the cross, it was not words of unforgiven­ess that were spoken. He asked God to dismiss their sins, and place them on Him. In other words, charge their guilt to His account; and impute His righteousn­ess on them. His decisional intention to forgive replaced our ill will with His good will. What love! What sacrifice!

I know that it’s hard to do, but Christians are called into a ministry of forgiving. Jesus’s family business is now our family business. We forgive not because it is easy; we do it because God sent His only son, the Wonderful Counselor, the Powerful (Mighty) God, the Peacemaker, to be born, to die, to save us, and to teach us to forgive.

So, no matter what you have done, His forgivenes­s is unconditio­nally available to everyone that repents of their sins, and believes upon Him. And, it is available for you to give to others.

Brenette Wilder, formerly of Altheimer, Ark., is a blogger at wordstoins­pire105953­ and author of Netted Together, https://nettedtoge­

Editor’s note: Pastors, ministers or other writers interested in writing for this section may submit articles for considerat­ion to shope@ adgnewsroo­ Writers should have connection­s to Southeast Arkansas. Please include your name, phone number and the name and location of your church or ministry.

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