Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Wisconsin approves district maps

Democrats hail new law as political victory in swing state

- SCOTT BAUER Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Joey Cappellett­i of The Associated Press.

MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Tony Evers signed new legislativ­e district maps into law on Monday that he proposed and that the Republican­s who control the Legislatur­e passed to avoid having the liberal-controlled state Supreme Court draw the lines.

Democrats hailed the signing as a major political victory in the swing state where the Legislatur­e has been firmly under Republican control for more than a decade, even as Democrats have won 14 of the past 17 statewide elections.

“When I promised I wanted fair maps — not maps that are better for one party or another, including my own — I damn well meant it,” Evers said prior to signing the maps into law at the state Capitol. “Wisconsin is not a red state or a blue state — we’re a purple state, and I believe our maps should reflect that basic fact.”

Democrats are likely to gain seats in the state Assembly and state Senate under the new maps, which will be in place for the November election. Republican­s have been operating since 2011 under maps they drew that were recognized as among the most gerrymande­red in the country.

Democrats tried unsuccessf­ully for more than a decade to overturn the Republican-drawn maps. But it wasn’t until control of the state Supreme Court flipped in August after the election of liberal Justice Janet Protasiewi­cz that Democrats found a winning formula.

They filed a lawsuit the day after Protasiewi­cz joined the court. Republican­s argued that Protasiewi­cz shouldn’t hear the lawsuit because she said during her campaign that the GOP-drawn maps were “rigged” and “unfair.” But she did not recuse herself.

Protasiewi­cz ended up providing the deciding fourth vote in a December ruling that declared the current maps to be unconstitu­tional because not all of the districts were contiguous, meaning some areas were geographic­ally disconnect­ed from the rest of the district. The court said it would draw the lines if the Legislatur­e couldn’t pass maps that Evers would sign.

The court accepted maps from the governor and Democratic and Republican lawmakers, as well as three other parties to the redistrict­ing lawsuit. Consultant­s hired by the court determined that maps submitted by the Legislatur­e and a conservati­ve law firm were “partisan gerrymande­rs,” leaving the court with four Democratic-drawn maps to choose from.

Facing a mid-March deadline from the state elections commission for new maps to be in place, the Legislatur­e last Tuesday passed the Evers maps. While skeptical Democrats voted against the governor’s plans, many of the party’s leaders praised Evers’ signing of the new maps Monday.

“Wisconsin will no longer be among the most gerrymande­red states in the nation,” Assembly Democratic Leader Greta Neubauer said in a statement. Neubauer, who voted against the maps, added that “this is the beginning of a new era in Wisconsin — where the will of the people will once again be the law of the land.”

Wisconsin Democratic Party Chairman Ben Wikler said the new maps will have a “reverse coattails” effect benefiting Democrats in the statewide presidenti­al and U.S. Senate races this year because more legislativ­e races will be competitiv­e.

Republican­s described having no better option. Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said Monday in a statement that Evers “signed the most Republican-leaning maps out of all the Democrat-gerrymande­red maps being considered by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”

“This fall Republican­s will prove that we can win on any maps because we have the better policy ideas for the State of Wisconsin,” said Vos.

Other Republican­s were even more stark after the passage of the bill last week.

“Republican­s were not stuck between a rock and hard place,” Republican state Sen. Van Wanggaard said in a statement. “It was a matter of choosing to be stabbed, shot, poisoned or led to the guillotine. We chose to be stabbed, so we can live to fight another day.”

Under the new maps, there would be 15 incumbents in the Assembly who would be forced to run against another incumbent and six such pairings in the Senate. Only one of the Assembly pairings would pit one Democratic incumbent against another one. In the Senate, the only Democratic pairing includes an incumbent who has already decided not to run this fall.

 ?? (AP/Wisconsin State Journal/John Hart) ?? Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers raises a bill which re-defines the state’s legislativ­e maps after signing it at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, Wis., on Monday.
(AP/Wisconsin State Journal/John Hart) Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers raises a bill which re-defines the state’s legislativ­e maps after signing it at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, Wis., on Monday.

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