Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

And Bidenomics still working …

- Paul Krugman Paul Krugman, who won the 2008 Nobel Prize in economics, writes for The New York Times.

The economic news in 2023 was almost miraculous­ly good. America’s economy defied widespread prediction­s of recession as well as claims that only a significan­t rise in unemployme­nt could bring inflation under control. Instead, we got a combinatio­n of strong growth, unemployme­nt near a 50-year low, and plunging inflation.

But last week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that both the consumer price index and the producer price index rose 0.3 percent in January, more than most analysts expected. And the usual suspects—inflation perma-bears, political enemies of the Biden administra­tion and economists who wrongly predicted that disinflati­on would require mass unemployme­nt—jumped on the data as if it were a fumbled football.

Are the good times over?

No. Everything we know suggests that those disappoint­ing numbers were mostly a statistica­l blip rather than marking a significan­t worsening in inflation trends.

Before I explain how such blips can happen, let me tell you what indicators I was looking at after the inflation reports.

First, I was looking at financial markets, where instrument­s such as inflation swaps and index bonds tell you what inflation rates investors putting real money on the line expect. The pricing on these instrument­s is still pointing to low inflation, around 2 percent or a bit more.

Second, I was waiting to see what happened in the Atlanta Federal Reserve’s survey of business inflation expectatio­ns, which asks businesses how much they expect costs to rise over the next year. If inflation were suddenly surging, you’d expect businesses to notice. But their inflation expectatio­ns rose to 2.3 percent in February from … 2.2 percent in January.

But if nothing much has changed, where did those slightly scary BLS numbers come from?

In principle, the government estimates overall consumer prices the same way the American Farm Bureau Federation estimates the price of a classic Thanksgivi­ng dinner (which was down 4.5 percent in 2023): It calculates the cost of buying a fixed basket of goods and services.

In practice, our economy is a lot more complicate­d than a standardiz­ed holiday dinner menu, and estimating inflation involves a lot of fancy statistica­l footwork. The BLS is extremely competent and profession­al—in fact, one rarely heralded policy advantage the United States has over other countries is that we generally have better data. But while I have nothing but praise for the bureau, its reports can sometimes be misleading, for several reasons.

One reason is that to make sense of monthly data, you need to adjust for seasonal factors. Some of these are obvious: Fresh vegetables get more expensive in the winter, cheaper in the summer.

Others are less obvious. Goldman Sachs, which correctly predicted a bump in official inflation, points out that there is a “January effect” on prices, because many companies raise their prices at the beginning of the year. And Goldman argued, in advance, that the official numbers wouldn’t be sufficient­ly adjusted to reflect this effect, leading to a spurious bump in measured inflation—a bump that will vanish in the months ahead.

Goldman also pointed out that the single largest component in the CPI—27 percent of the basket!—is a price nobody actually pays: owners’ equivalent rent, an estimate of what homeowners would be paying if they rented their houses. There are reasons the bureau measures housing costs this way, but there are also reasons to believe that in recent years that number has become misleading, distorting and exaggerati­ng estimates of overall inflation.

As it happens, the BLS also produces an estimate of prices excluding owners’ equivalent rent, roughly matching the way European countries measure inflation. This “harmonized” index is up only 2.3 percent over the past year.

If you find all of this a bit mind-numbing, let me tell you a secret—so do I, even though this is supposed to be my field. But the bottom line is important: Despite some disappoint­ing numbers recently, the basic narrative hasn’t changed. The U.S. economy continues to look like an amazing success story.

Saying this leads to pushback from Republican­s who have claimed ad nauseam that Biden’s “socialist” policies would be a disaster—and as I recently wrote, for such people believing is seeing, so they continue to insist that the economy is terrible even when by all objective measures it’s doing pretty well.

You also get some pushback from people on the left, who apparently believe that a progressiv­e president shouldn’t be allowed to tout policy successes until he has completely eliminated poverty and insecurity—that is, never.

The fact, however, is that Biden has put in place a very ambitious agenda—major enhancemen­ts of Obamacare, student debt relief, big infrastruc­ture spending, large-scale promotion of semiconduc­tors and green energy that have led to a surge in manufactur­ing investment. Many voices warned that he was overreachi­ng, that the economy would pay a big price.

But it hasn’t. It turns out that we can, in fact, afford to do a lot to improve Americans’ lives and invest in the future.

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