Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The problem of waste


The editorial “Miracle derailed” about “misguided environmen­talists” mentions Three Mile Island. That incident, fortunatel­y contained with minimal radiation release, revealed a lack of planning and design inadequaci­es and raised legitimate concerns that additional oversight was required. Those public concerns did lead to additional regulation and safety requiremen­ts that made nuclear power less cost-effective. An equally significan­t objection, however, was the failure to realistica­lly address the long-term costs of dealing with radioactiv­e waste. The “More no-nukes” editorial also ignores that problem.

The early euphoria about nuclear power in the 1950s ignored the 100 percent reality of radioactiv­e waste. Dealing with the radioactiv­e waste from fuel replacemen­t and eventual decommissi­oning of nuclear plants was left as a problem for later resolution. Some of those byproducts must be contained for tens of thousands of years before they are safe—a longer time period than any structure or government constructe­d by man has ever survived. The long-term waste storage facility at Yucca Mountain, Nev., is still not operationa­l after many decades. I thought it interestin­g that a piece originatin­g from the Las Vegas Review-Journal would seem unaware of this issue, since opposition in Nevada is one of the reasons the Yucca Mountain facility is in limbo.

For now, each nuclear power plant is storing its own radioactiv­e waste on-site, meaning all nuclear power plant sites must be guarded indefinite­ly by future generation­s against accident or attack. Forcing hundreds of future generation­s to pay for the upkeep of sites that only benefit our generation hardly seems fair. We need to give them better alternativ­es than dealing with our nuclear garbage.

At the very least, any new nuclear power plants should use emerging reactor technology that produces less nuclear waste than the water-cooled reactor design used by existing nuclear power plants.



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