Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Author plans book signing Saturday


Author Monica F. Hudson will hold a book signing at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Pine Bluff Public Library, 600 S. Main St., for her latest book “The Unshakeabl­e Power of Faith.”

“The Unshakeabl­e Power of Faith” is her sixth book and the first to be released under the Splash Series theme, according to Stuff in The Bluff.

“The synopsis for the book is man’s journey to find the elusive meaning of the power of faith,” said Hudson, a Pine Bluff native, who is the publisher and Christian retailer with Hudson Publishers.

She shared that her book was birthed at a time when she was battling and struggling with personal issues that were happening in her life and around her family.

“I am telling you what faith is. I took quite a bit of it from the book of Hebrews. In the book, I share with the reader the journey of what faith is and how it has helped other people,” Hudson said.

The book also shows what having faith accomplish­ed for other people and reveals that faith ultimately points to Jesus Christ while explaining “His power, His promise and purpose.”

Reading an excerpt that appears on the back of the book, Hudson said: “Faith, this unmovable source of our strength, this ever present help that stands with us in the fiery furnace of our lives. When disaster is pressing against our humanity, man looks toward where his hope lies as disaster engulfs him. Beyond the scope of our imaginatio­n, where the word of God and power of faith unite in the battle, adversity is defeated. Faith that gave Peter, the disciple, courage to step out of the boat into the waves of a raging storm, or the children of Israel to cross the Red Sea, and a man named Lazarus — yet dead — rose out of his grave by the call of his name. All these are the characters of God’s unshakeabl­e power of faith through the word of His son, Jesus Christ, who said ‘Believe in me.’”

“The Unshakeabl­e Power of Faith is available for purchase. Details: https://www.2cdivinean­­e-power-of-faith.

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