Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Other days


100 YEARS AGO April 15, 1924

■ Mountain Home — Evidence of the Indian occupation of the upper White River country occasional­ly comes to light when a farmer plows up a skull or skeleton of a red brother. Al Collie, who operates the old Shipp farm on the White River for J. W. Williamson, drove his plow blade into a skeleton Saturday and sent the skull, which is well-preserved, to a place for inspection. The skull appears to be that of a grown female. The Osage occupied this area before the white man and the remains of their old villages in the bottoms along the creeks and rivers are still evident.

50 YEARS AGO April 15, 1974

■ A panel of seven women will discuss job discrimina­tion against women in the workforce and ways to remedy the situation during a public meeting at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday in room 101 of Stabler Hall at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. The UALR Commission on the Status of Women is sponsoring the meeting and all interested persons are invited to attend.

25 YEARS AGO April 15, 1999

■ Democrats suing Gov. Mike Huckabee over the use of his Mansion Fund have agreed to drop their claim that he wrongfully converted state furniture to his personal use. Pulaski County Chancellor Collins Kilgore signed an order Wednesday dismissing that count from the lawsuit. Huckabee’s personal lawyer, Kevin Crass, said he threatened to demand Kilgore issue sanctions against the plaintiffs if they didn’t drop that part of the suit. He said plaintiff attorney Randall Wright agreed to dismiss his furniture complaint. Kilgore has left intact the complaint concerning the Mansion Fund. A trial is expected this summer. The plaintiffs argue the Huckabees misused the $60,000 annual Mansion Fund, through actions such as buying tacos and dog houses, which the Huckabees deny. In January, the plaintiffs alleged that Huckabee claimed the furniture, worth $70,000 and a gift from Boe Adams of Leachville, as his own. But a few days later, Crass issued a statement that the governor, despite a 1998 quote to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette to the contrary, didn’t own the furniture.

10 YEARS AGO April 15, 2014

■ We saw it in the paper, your paper, Arkansas’ newspaper, the other day. It said the good folks in the Argenta Arts District in downtown North Little Rock had put together a photo exhibit and a weeklong movie festival featuring the Beatles. The promise was that some of the photos were rare indeed, and might be new to even the most ardent Beatles fan. Well, then … Some friends gathered up and took a stroll down Main Street over the weekend. Our considered editorial opinion: The Beatles still rock, the four members of the group still fascinate, and people still flock to see them more than four decades after they last played together. We stopped in at the Greg Thompson Fine Art gallery for the John and Paul photos, only to be stopped dead in our tracks by the Carroll Cloar exhibit, which threatened to hijack not only the day but this editorial.

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