


Fair Winds Press Maria Marlowe

You get caught up in a number of projects and then you realize that it's time to eat - do you get something from one of your favorite places or do you dare enter your local grocery store? Many find this place to be a bit intimidati­ng - how does one tackle the aisles, getting enough ingredient­s to make a meal, keeping it healthy and make it out alive?

Maria Marlowe, Food Evangelist, created The Real Food Grocery Guide which breaks down the mysteries of the aisle and whether you're a devout wellness follower, clean eater or are on the path to doing so - she breaks it down so that you can tackle the healthiest finds while seeing what your options are when you're thinking about organic verus convention­al foods, how to purchase and store them, and beyond.

This easy to read guide will bust your food myths and let you know more about where your food comes from and allow you to tackle the aisle like a pro. From grabbing random items to being fully navigation­al - this book will change how you go about feeding yourself and those that are with you. In purchasing this book, you'll also be able to unlock addition books that give you the secret and power behind foods that you may not have known.

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