Austin American-Statesman


- George Bronner Austin

Tune out fear-mongers

Re: Dec. 5 letter to the editor, “Republic of Texas.”

I read with great sadness the letter from the Leander woman who felt persecuted for her Christian beliefs. Ma’am, you need a hug. The truth is there’s a new brand of television and radio programmin­g that preys on your fears. They know you care, so they find a minor incident and blow it out of proportion, just to enrage you and keep your interest. How shameful. Look around: There is no war on Christmas. Even in liberal Austin, the city worked tirelessly to get the Trail of Lights returned, despite limited funds. Last week thousands of people sang Christmas carols on the Capitol steps.

As to your belief that you can no longer pray in school, nothing could be more untrue. Pray all you want. You simply cannot force other people to pray. Please, ma’am, tune out the fear-mongers and open your eyes to the truth ... and acceptance ... that surrounds you.

‘Merry Christmas’

Re: Dec. 5 letter to the editor, “Republic of Texas.”

Where does she shop? I had no idea Leander was so intolerant. Where I shop in South Austin I have no problem saying “Merry Christmas” or “Happy holidays” to cashiers, clerks or anyone in general. I’m a Christian raised atheist. My experience is the oppo-

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