Austin American-Statesman

Obama administra­tion dances a two-step on immigratio­n

- ruben@rubennavar­

The Obama administra­tion has spun so many yarns about its deportatio­n policy that it can’t keep them straight.

In August 2011, White House officials announced that the Department of Homeland Security would no longer spend “limited resources” actively seeking to apprehend and deport illegal immigrants who don’t have criminal records. Under current U.S. code, entering the United States illegally is usually a civil, not criminal, infraction.

Last week, in a transparen­t attempt to turn the screws on Republican­s demanding spending cuts, Homeland Security announced that — because of budget constraint­s and the possibilit­y of mandatory cuts due to sequestrat­ion — it was releasing from custody several hundred illegal immigrants. White House press secretary Jay Carney assured reporters that those being released were “low-risk, non-criminal detainees.”

So, the administra­tion freed some of the very folks that it wasn’t supposed to have locked up in the first place.

Someone isn’t telling the truth — again. This recurring dishonesty comes from the fact that the administra­tion wants to have it both ways by positionin­g itself as both tough and compassion­ate.

When it wants to be tough, it describes deportees as a bunch of violent criminals with long rap sheets. When it wants to be compassion­ate, the administra­tion insists that it is keeping its hands off those illegal immigrants whom President Barack Obama likes to refer to, when schmoozing with Latino audiences, as “hard-working people looking for a better life.”

That’s the Obama two-step. It’s the kind of clumsy footwork that the media and the American public have witnessed on a regular basis since stories started appearing a few years ago about how the administra­tion was breaking deportatio­n records and removing around 400,000 people a year. Now officials are on track to have removed 2 million illegal immigrants by the end of 2013; this is about the same number of deportatio­ns that the U.S. government carried out from 1892 to 1997.

That’s the real story here. It’s the fact that we’ve never seen an administra­tion that is so cynical in manipulati­ng U.S. immigratio­n policy to meet political objectives.

The story is not what liberals think it is — that somehow Obama has rediscover­ed his humanity and finally become the president they voted for. That’s a nice thought, except for one thing: Carney was quick to tell reporters that the president wasn’t part of this decision and that the detainee release was the work of “career officials at ICE (Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t) without any input from the White House.”

And the story is not what has conservati­ves so worked up. Overreacti­ng just as Obama knew they would and thus playing right into his hands, they fear that the administra­tion has let loose into our neighborho­ods a bunch of folks who represent a cross between Al Capone and Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. As is usually the case when we talk about immigratio­n, the right is dead wrong. Every audit that has been done of the hundreds of thousands who are, each year, offered a one-way ticket out of the United States shows us that few are violent criminals or, in fact, criminals at all.

Other deportees are technicall­y guilty of a crime, but it’s one that most people probably wouldn’t consider serious. Under current immigratio­n law, those who are deported and re-entered the country are charged not with a civil violation — which would be the case on the first illegal crossing — but with a felony. If your nanny is an illegal immigrant (I know, can you imagine such a thing?) and she was deported but re-entered the country, she has committed a felony.

This administra­tion does whatever is convenient at the moment, and makes up policy as it goes. But just because the administra­tion can’t keep it all straight doesn’t mean the American people shouldn’t.

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