Austin American-Statesman

Death of Hugo Chavez:

- By Paul Haven Hugo Chávez’s funeral will be Friday morning.

The Venezuelan leader’s body will be put on permanent display.

CARACAS, VenezuelA — Hugo Chávez’s body will be preserved and forever displayed inside a glass tomb at a military museum not far from the presidenti­al palace from which he ruled for 14 years, his successor announced Thursday in a Caribbean version of the treatment given Communist revolution­ary leaders like Lenin, Mao and Ho Chi Minh.

Vice President Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela’s acting head of state, said Chávez would first lie in state for “at least” another seven days at the military academy where he was brought Wednesday.

A state funeral will be Friday, attended by 33 heads of government, including Cuban President Raul Castro and Iranian leader Mahmud Ahmadineja­d. U.S. Rep. Gregory Meeks, a New York Democrat, and former Rep. William Delahunt, a Democrat from Massachuse­tts, will represent the United States, which Chávez often por- trayed as a great global evil even as he sent the country billions of dollars in oil each year.

Maduro said the ceremony would begin at 11 a.m. but did not say where.

“We have decided to prepare the body of our Comandante President, to embalm it so that it remains open for all time for the people. Just like Ho Chi Minh. Just like Lenin. Just like Mao Zedong,” Maduro said.

He said the body would be held in a “crystal urn” at the Museum of the Revolution, a stone’s throw from Miraflores presidenti­al palace.

The announceme­nt followed two emotional days in which Chávez’s supporters compared him to Jesus Christ and accused his national and internatio­nal critics of subversion.

A sea of sobbing, heartbroke­n humanity jammed Venezuela’s main mili- tary academy Thursday to see Chávez’s body, some waiting 10 hours under the twinkling stars and the searing Caribbean sun to file past his coffin.

But even as his supporters attempted to immortaliz­e the dead president, a country exhausted from roundthe-clock mourning began to look to the future. Some worried openly whether the nation’s anointed leaders are up to the task of filling his shoes, and others said they were anxious for news on when elections will be held. The constituti­on mandates they be called within 30 days, but the government has yet to address the matter.

“People are beginning to get back to their lives. One must keep working,” said 40-year-old Caracas resident Laura Guerra, a Chávez supporter who said she was not yet sold on Maduro, the designated ruling party candidate. “I don’t think he will be the same. I don’t think he has the same strength that the comandante had.”

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