Austin American-Statesman

The return of Grumpy Cat


Grumpy Cat is, well, grumpy. As usual.

The Internet sensation is in town this weekend for South by Southwest, setting up shop at the Mashable House, 305 E. Fifth St. in downtown Austin.

Fans can stop by and get a photo Saturday between 1 and 4 p.m. and Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

When Bryan Bundesen first posted a photo of Grumpy Cat on Reddit and a video on YouTube back in 2012, he says he never could have imagined the worldwide attention that ensued, including a possible movie deal.

“It’s grown insanely popular,” Bundesen said. “Everyone seems to love Grumpy Cat.”

These days, he’s quit his job working for Time Warner Cable and spends his time traveling the country showing off his furry friend.

Bundesen said this weekend’s trip marks the third time Grumpy Cat has visited Austin, a city he says he — and Grumpy Cat — adore.

“Austin is weird ... in a good way,” he said. “Everyone is so friendly here.”

While in town, Grumpy Cat delivered 25,000 meals of Friskies brand Seafood Sensations shrimp-flavored cat food to the Friends of the Austin Animal Center. Up to 25,000 additional meals will be donated, based on how many times people use the #HolyShrimp hashtag during SXSW. Check out a video of Grumpy Cat online at­ant.

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