Austin American-Statesman

Rubio talks a young game, but ideas creaky with age

- E.J. Dionne Jr. He writes for the Washington Post.

In all of rock ’ n’ roll history, one of the most misguided if entirely memorable refrains came in an otherwise excellent 1965 song by The Who. “I hope I die before I get old,” they declared in “My Generation.” I doubt that many people who joyfully sang along with those lyrics 50 years ago really believed them, except perhaps metaphoric­ally.

But the song captured something that was in the air then and has never fully left us. Every generation considers itself special, but the post-World War II period saw the rise of a particular­ly powerful brand of generation­al consciousn­ess and it permeated American politics.

John F. Kennedy built his career on the theme. He was first elected to Congress in 1946 at age 29 on the slogan: “The New Generation Offers a Leader.” Seeing no need to change what had worked for him, he accepted the Democratic presidenti­al nomination in 1960 by declaring it was time “for a new generation of leadership — new men to cope with new problems and new opportunit­ies.”

Since Kennedy, many other politician­s have sounded the generation­al trumpet. Joe Biden and Gary Hart both riffed on it in the 1980s. So did Bill Clinton in the 1990s and Barack Obama seven years ago, with more success.

This week, it was Marco Rubio’s turn. “This election is a generation­al choice about what kind of country we will be,” he declared in announcing his presidenti­al candidacy Monday, the day after Hillary Clinton launched hers. Her entry gave him a convenient opening for the sound bite that reverberat­ed across the media.

“Now, just yesterday,” he said, “a leader from yesterday began a campaign for president by promising to take us back to yesterday. Yesterday is over.”

In case you missed the point, he warned of the dangers of “going back to the leaders and ideas of the past.”

For Rubio, the age thing gives him a chance to go after Clinton (b. Oct. 26, 1947) directly, but also allows him to take a poke at his rival, Jeb Bush (b. Feb. 11, 1953), without saying a single bad word about his onetime mentor.

On the other hand, Rubio (b. May 28, 1971) can’t make much of the fact that he is all of five months younger than Ted Cruz (b. Dec. 22, 1970), and it’s not clear where the past/future dynamic leaves him vis-a-vis Scott Walker (b. Nov. 2, 1967) or Rand Paul (b. Jan. 7, 1963). Generation­al politics doesn’t always work, as Biden and Hart can testify.

And while Rubio casts himself as an innovative thinker, it’s quite hard to distinguis­h between what he’s saying and what Ronald Reagan ran on 35 years ago.

In his announceme­nt, Rubio spoke with compassion about “small-business owners who are left to struggle under the weight of more taxes, more regulation and more government.” Nothing new there. He spoke of “our leaders ... taxing and borrowing and regulating like it’s 1999.” Change “1999” to “1979” and that could be the Gipper talking.

Playing the youth-and-future card may well be Rubio’s best option. But to make it work, he’ll have to persuade those who heard the rest of his speech and wondered whether he is proposing to lead us forward into — well, yesterday.

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