Austin American-Statesman

Faces off the field

Conor Murphy, senior outfielder, Rouse


What do you remember about the first time you played competitiv­e baseball? My first competitiv­e experience came at age 4. I remember hating the idea of the opponents going home with a win, and aiming for the fences on every swing. What’s your favorite baseball memory from in high school? Probably my first official varsity at-bat, in which I hit a triple off the center field wall. How has Rouse been able to become so successful in athletics during the past few years? Rouse has hard-working coaches and athletes, excellent facilities and a strong determinat­ion to earn wins and respect. We are excited to continue building ourselves and our program both in the 2015 season and in the years to come.

What are your college plans? I am blessed to say that I have committed to play baseball at West Texas A&M University, and am excited to begin studies in general psychology. If you could have dinner with any four people in the history of the world, whom would you invite? Jesus, Derek Jeter, (actor and rapper) Donald Glover and (“The Wolf of Wall Street” author) Jordan Belfort.

Why Jordan Belfort? Jordan Belfort made a lot of mistakes, but learned from them and flourished. I want to spend time around people like that. If you had the choice of being all-state in baseball or valedictor­ian of your class, which would you choose? In my opinion, making an all-state team would be more fulfilling than being valedictor­ian. What do you consider the world’s greatest invention? I’m going to say the weight room. What’s the best advice anyone has given to you? One of my club coaches introduced me to KISS — Keep It Simple, Stupid. Both baseball and life present challenges, but rememberin­g to take a breath and keep it simple has helped me a lot both on and off the field. What would you do ifyou won the lottery? I’d immediatel­y set 10 percent aside for church, take enough to pay for all college expenses and produce my own mix tape.

What’s your favorite food? Any type of steak or Italian food that my mom makes is my favorite. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past year? It’s a three-way tie. “Get Hard” is one of the funniest movies I’ve seen in a while, “Selma” was very inspiring, and “Let’s Be Cops” because I was in great/ memorable company.


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