Austin American-Statesman

General: Limit Afghan pullout

Afghanista­n remains in a violent battle, official says.

- By Deb Riechmann

Top U.S. commander in Afghanista­n says Obama needs to keep more troops in the country.

— The top U.S. commander in Afghanista­n recommende­d on Tuesday that President Barack Obama revise his plan and keep more than 1,000 U.S. troops in the country beyond 2016, just days after a deadly U.S. airstrike “mistakenly struck” a hospital during fierce fighting in the north.

Gen. John F. Campbell told Congress that conditions on the ground have changed since Obama announced his plan in 2014 to cut the current U.S. force of 9,800 to an embassy-based security contingent of about 1,000 in Kabul after 2016. Obama has vowed to a war-weary nation to end the U.S. war in Afghanista­n and get American troops out by the time he leaves office in January 2017.

Campbell said, however, that Afghanista­n remains engaged in a violent battle against the Taliban, military operations in Pakistan have pushed fighters, including those linked to al-Qaida, into eastern and northern Afghanista­n and the emergence of Islamic State fighters has further complicate­d the conflict.

Campbell, the top commander of U.S. and allied forces in Afghanista­n, said that dropping to 1,000 troops would leave the United States with limited ability to train and assist the Afghan forces and even less capacity to conduct counterter­rorism operations. He said the different options he has provided to his superiors are for troop levels beyond a normal embassy presence of about 1,000.

Campbell refused to discuss the numbers of troops he is recommendi­ng. But when Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, asked Campbell if he thought the president should revise his troop withdrawal plan, Campbell replied: “I will stomp my foot. Yes, sir.”

Both Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Secretary of State John Kerry have stressed the importance of continuing counterter­rorism missions in Afghanista­n, even into 2017.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said the future U.S. troop presence in Afghanista­n would be determined by a variety of factors, including conditions on the ground in Afghanista­n, remaining threats and what resources the U.S. can provide.

In his opening remarks to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Campbell offered details about the airstrike on a medical clinic that Doctors Without Borders ran in Kunduz. He said a U.S. Special Operations unit that was close by was “talking to the aircraft that delivered” the firepower, which killed at least 22 people.

“To be clear, the decision to provide (airstrikes) was a U.S. decision, made within the U.S. chain of command,” Campbell said. “The hospital was mistakenly struck. We would never intentiona­lly target a protected medical facility.”

In a possible indication that the attacking aircraft was given an improper go-ahead to open fire on the hospital, Campbell said he is requiring that every U.S. service member in Afghanista­n be retrained on the circumstan­ces in which U.S. air power can be used.

The airstrike occurred as Afghan forces were retaking Kunduz from the Taliban. The insurgents staged a surprise attack from multiple sides of the city and held it for three days before Afghan security forces recaptured it with help from the U.S.led coalition.

Campbell said Afghan forces have faltered at times, but they have shown no evidence of “fracturing.”

The airstrike occurred as Afghan forces were retaking Kunduz from the Taliban.

 ??  ?? Army Gen. John Campbell said that dropping to 1,000 troops would leave the U.S. with limited ability to train and assist Afghan forces.
Army Gen. John Campbell said that dropping to 1,000 troops would leave the U.S. with limited ability to train and assist Afghan forces.

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