Austin American-Statesman


Hopefuls face constant financial challenges as they chase Olympic spot.


COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. The fencer — worked as a barista. One martial artist drove a prison truck and the other went door-to-door selling pizza coupons. The paracyclis­t was also a starving musician. And as if five sports didn’t keep the modern pentathlet­e busy enough, she also worked at a clothing store.

One of the overlooked realities for Olympic hopefuls in the United States is that, in addition to grinding through a sixday-a-week, eight-houra-day training schedule, they also have to follow this well-worn piece of advice: Don’t quit your day job.

As of this month, Dick’s Sporting Goods has filled that need for 100 of these athletes, most of them trying to stay on the road to the Summer Olympics. Through a new sponsorshi­p deal with the U.S. Olympic Committee, the store is offering athletes 20-hour-a-week jobs on schedules that defer to the training and travel regimens these potential Olympians must manage.

The athletes work at 58 stores covering 25 states, and Dick’s is flexible with their schedules, not only to help support the Olympic movement but also because of the expertise elite athletes can provide to customers in search of the perfect shoes, swimsuit or workout clothes.

“You compete at a high level because it’s what you love to do,” said Andras Horanyi, the fencer who lives at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs and works at Dick’s. “I don’t think most athletes are doing this because they make a ton of money.”

True, but for most Olympic hopefuls, there’s a big gap between getting rich and making ends meet. And yet it still takes considerab­le resources to get to sport’s highest level — resources that go beyond the room-and-board and many of the training stipends the USOC and individual federation­s provide.

For instance, in almost every sport, each athlete must pay his or her own way to domestic competitio­ns, including national championsh­ips, which is

often where they compete for rankings and spots on the U.S. team that lead to more crucial funding.

That’s how Horanyi found himself working as a barista and juggling a fencing schedule a few years back. After mov

ing to Colorado Springs, where a room at the training center allayed many training and scheduling problems, he worked for a while at eBay and then as an events planner for the USOC. “That was a good job,

and they understood my needs, but it was only a few hours a day,” Horanyi said of the USOC job. “It didn’t pay enough for the tournament­s and stuff like that.”

Stories for other Olympic hopefuls are similar, almost across the board,

and almost regardless of sport. For every Michael Phelps there are a dozen athletes like judoka Ella Graves, who, before her job at Dick’s, worked at a college library and walked neighborho­ods in Colorado Springs selling pizza coupons.

Paracyclis­t Chris Murphy was good with the trombone. “The starving musician thing is a real thing,” he said.

His sports dream started coming together when he bought a bike to shuttle himself from job to job in California. As he moved into elite circles of the sport, he realized the commitment he had to make to train — both in hours and money — didn’t jibe with a job that paid a lot per hour but didn’t provide steady or consistent work.

Modern pentathlet­e Isabella Isaksen, whose older sister, Margaux, made the 2008 and 2012 Olympics in the same sport, estimates she spends 40 to 50 hours a week training. She said she jumped at the Dick’s job because of the flexibilit­y they offer and the team atmosphere.

When an American athlete turns to judo, or fencing, or modern pentathlon, she learns at an early age that the prospect of going for gold does not mean a bankrolled ride to the top. That’s unlike the case in many countries, where government­s finance sports ministries that send money to athletes.

Graves remembers crisscross­ing the parking lot at St. Louis Rams games, hitting up tailgaters for money to foot bills for her training and competitio­ns. The rest all did fundraisin­g efforts of their own, mostly involving writing up fliers and going to businesses, looking for donations. They found a lot of enthusiasm, some generosity, far fewer long-term answers.

“I went everywhere and told people my story,” Brown said. “They were all very impressed and surprised and thought it was awesome. But that’s where it ended.”

 ??  ?? Olympic pentathlon hopeful Isabella Isaksen arranges clothing for sale inside Dick’s Sporting Goods, where she works when not training at the Olympic Training Center.
Olympic pentathlon hopeful Isabella Isaksen arranges clothing for sale inside Dick’s Sporting Goods, where she works when not training at the Olympic Training Center.

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