Austin American-Statesman

After voting against Harvey aid, Barton will lead relief task force

- By Andrea Drusch Tribune News Service

Rep. Joe Barton, a Texas Republican who last week voted against a federal aid package for Hurricane Harvey relief, will lead a congressio­nal task force dedicated to recovery efforts.

Barton is teaming up with Texas Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar on the panel, which will help coordinate Congress’s response to one of the biggest natural disasters to ever hit the state.

Barton, whose district includes parts of Arlington and Fort Worth, was one of four Texas House Republican­s who did not support $15.25 billion in federal relief package last month, because it was tied to an increase in the debt ceiling and three months of government funding.

“As much as I want to help Texas, I can’t vote for something that’s a blank check on the debt,” Barton told the Star-Telegram.

Barton did, however, vote for an earlier aid plan. That legislatio­n would have provided $7.9 billion for Harvey aid, with no link to the debt or budget.

But President Donald Trump and Democratic leaders made a deal to tie the relief package to the debt and budget, requiring the House to vote again on an aid plan.

Barton was among 90 House Republican­s who voted no. Texas’ two Republican senators voted yes.

No details about other members of the task force were released.

“In the wake of this terrible disaster, I am pleased that the Republican and Democratic Members of the Texas congressio­nal delegation have come together to form a bipartisan task force aimed at helping those most in need ... Texans will not leave one another behind,” Barton said in a statement.

 ??  ?? U.S. Rep. Joe Barton objected to bill being tied to the debt ceiling.
U.S. Rep. Joe Barton objected to bill being tied to the debt ceiling.

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