Austin American-Statesman

Barbara Jordan’s ethical wisdom should inspire us as we cast votes

- MAX SHERMAN Special Contributo­r Sherman is a former state senator and editor of the book,“Barbara Jordan: Speaking the Truth with Eloquent Thunder.”

“Being honest, telling the truth, and doing what you said you would do,” Barbara Jordan said was the definition of ethical behavior. This week is Barbara Jordan Freedom Week, as designated by the 82nd Texas Legislatur­e, and marked annually. She lived as a patriot and teacher, served as a public official, and she was my dear friend.

I was honored to publish a book of Jordan’s speeches — and her words seem more important now than ever before. Lately, I have reflected on this definition lifted from an interview with Jordan shortly before her death in 1996 and more of her teaching on the topic from notes taken from her ethics class at the University of Texas and shared by one of Texas’ most prolific political writers, Paul Burka.

We can all benefit from her honesty and straight talk on life and ethics.

When Jordan served as Gov. Ann Richards’ “ethics czar,” high-level nominees for appointmen­ts to serve our state were required to be interviewe­d by Jordan pending clearance for considerat­ion prior to nomination. She was rigorous in examining each candidate for service, ensuring each understood and accepted the ethical dimensions of the job they might assume. She impressed upon all in the clearest terms what it meant to serve with honor.

Yet, her focus was not reserved for those serving in powerful roles.

Then and still, her guidance reminds us as human beings, as citizens of a shared world, to apply higher standards of ethics in our own daily lives even when the stakes do not seem so high.

“You know, the first ethical decision any one of us will make is the decision to be on time.” This morsel was served up in 1983, to a group of emerging women leaders who squirmed uncomforta­bly in their seats at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidenti­al Library’s eighth-floor conference center. I had recruited Jordan to speak to the first class of Leadership Texas — and this group of 60 women from across the state arrived a half-hour late for the lecture. These accomplish­ed women were unsure whether she was adding humor or chastising them when after proper introducti­ons, she offered these opening words. As they exchanged nervous glances, she continued in earnest saying, “If I am on time and you are late, it conveys an ethical principle that your time is more valuable than mine. If you keep me waiting while you tend to some important part of your work or responsibi­lity, it tells me your work is more important than mine.” She added, “Each individual deserves to be treated fairly, and each individual’s work is just as important as the one who came on time.”

The lesson of something small represente­d the larger and more important conviction Jordan held dear. She called on the powerful and ordinary citizen alike to exemplify ethical behavior as more than mere courtesy by insisting that democracy itself depends on everyone taking personal responsibi­lity.

She echoed this conviction as she addressed in her keynote speech at the 1976 Democratic National Convention:

“A nation is formed by the willingnes­s of each of us to share in the responsibi­lity for upholding the common good. A government is invigorate­d when each one of us is willing to participat­e in shaping the future of this nation,” Jordan said. “Let each person do his or her part. If one citizen is unwilling to participat­e, all of us are going to suffer. For the American idea, though it is shared by all of us, is realized in each one of us.”

There is an exhibit this week at the Texas Capitol about Jordan’s life, legacy and example as encouragem­ent who may pause to consider her example.

As we approach the primary election March 6, may we practice civic duty and engagement by voting — and be ever mindful that ethical service from those who represent us matters.

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