Austin American-Statesman

Blood Pressure plunges 46-points with “Miracle Nutrient,” study confirms

“These results are so welcome – no fatigue, no dizziness, no bad side effects. My hypertensi­ve patients love it.” Dr. Marlene Merritt

- James Gray, Health Correspond­ent


Austin, Texas — Dr. Marlene Merritt, practicing naturopath in Austin, Texas, is always on the lookout for natural answers to dangerous medical conditions like high blood pressure.

The doctor is a self-described “research junkie” who scrutinize­s hundreds of scientific studies each year to separate the wheat from the chaff.

So when Dr. Merritt chanced upon a new study last fall about a ‘weird ingredient’ that promised to balance blood pressure – without drugs -- she was understand­ably skeptical. The results published were that astonishin­g.

“The people in this study dropped their blood pressure by an un heard of 46 points,” says Dr. Merritt. “And with zero reported side effects.” That ’s a big deal for Dr. Merritt’s patients, many of whom are fed up with the high copays and troublesom­e side effects of blood pressure drugs.

Peer-Reviewed Study shows “Stunning” Improvemen­t in Blood Pressure

In the peer-reviewed study, all the participan­ts received tips on healthy living. Then came the acid test: some of the participan­ts received an inactive sugar pill, or placebo. But the others received a natural extract that was bursting with a “weird” ingredient. In just 6 weeks, the people taking this nutrient achieved results that stunned the researcher­s:

• Their top blood pressure number was down a shocking 37 points

• Their bot t om number was down 9 points

• Their resting hear t rate was slower by 8 beats per minute

‘Jaw-Dropping’ Blood Pressure Numbers

The secret of these doctor-stunning results is not a d rug. Instead, it’s a nutrient found in Mother Nature with as omewhat weird name: “Oligomeric Procyanidi­ns” or “OPC’s” for short. Scientists were first alerted to the amazing properties of OPC’s when they noticed that the Loire Valley in France had a shockingly high number of healthy, older men. It was soon

discovered that these men drank a traditiona­lly prepared wine that was rich in OPC’s.

Now scientists understand that this ingredient – what some people are calling a “miracle nutrient” – helps blood vessels relax to relieve pressure in 3 important ways: 1. Revitalize­s Blood Vessels: First, the nutrient becomes the “bodyguard” of your blood vessel cells, booting out the dangerous free radicals that stiffen blood vessels. (O PC’s are up to 50 times more powerful than Vitamin C at shutting down free radicals.) 2. Prevents Tightening: Second, the nutrient slaps a pair of handcuffs on a notorious squeezer of blood vessels, the enzyme Angiotensi­n II. This keeps your blood vessels “open for business.” 3. Relaxes Blood Vessels: And third, the nutrient opens the floodgates on a natural blood vessel relaxer called Nitric Oxide, a Nobel Prize winning discovery that widens our arteries. (Our bodies naturally produce Nitric Oxide, but output slows to a trickle once we hit our forties.)

Nur seD itches Blood Pressure Drugs: “It’s a Miracle”

Thousands of grateful rea ders of Dr. Merritt’s book The Blood Pressure Solution have discovered how to revitalize their blood pressure using natural ingredient­s l ike OPC’s. Like Jonathan M., a 3 5-year career nurse who ended a 20-year “addiction” to blood pressure drugs:

“I have been on blood pressure medication­s for 20 years. I have had dangerousl­y high blood pressure episodes as high as 240/180. This morning my blood pressure was 119/68 with a heart rate of 55. I had to stop taking my medication­s in a couple of days of starting the program, because my blood pressure was too low. I have been a registered nurse for 33 years. I’ve n ever seen anything like this. It’s a miracle.”

Beat Blood Pressure Worries with 30-Second ‘Shortcut’

And now Dr. Merritt has discovered a way to concentrat­e the power of OPC’s and make it fast and easy for anyone to get a healthy supply – without hunting down expensive foods or spending hours making tasteless meals. Instead, with one easy-to-swallow gel capsule, it just takes 30 seconds to flood your body with an abundant supply of OPC’s.

Dr. Merritt has partnered with a local Texas company to secure a batch of the exact same dose and kind of OPC’s used in the study. The source of the OPC’s is a refined form of seeds from grapes grown in the lush vineyards of France.

The result is a first-of-its-kind nutritiona­l supplement called CardioRela­x. It’s the easiest and fastest way to whip your blood pressure worries.

“Even when I’m stressed out, my blood pressure is in check”

Praise for CardioRela­x is just starting to pour in. Even users of the first generation of the supplement were bowled over by its results:

After taking it, Connecticu­t nutritioni­st Jennifer A.* reports: “Now my numbers are as low as 119/66 -

even at end of day when I’m stressed out and my blood pressure is high, it’s still only 130 over 80.”

HelpsC ontrol Cholestero­l, Circulatio­n, & Blood Sugar Too

As impressive as these results are, Dr. Merritt has enhanced the formula to target improved circulatio­n, balanced cholestero­l levels, and healthy blood sugar control, all of which are “hidden causes” of high blood pressure. The result is a “supercharg­ed” version that is unlike anything else in the marketplac­e.

Not Available In Stores

CardioRela­x is not available in drug stores or anywhere online – not even Amazon – so the Texas manufactur­er is gearing up for high demand with its small but dedicated phone staff in Allen, Texas. The premium ingredient­s in CardioRela­x are in limited supply and ashor tage in just one of them can delay production for months, so the company is hustling to keep stock available.

But for the next five days, Dr. Merritt and her partner company have set aside a limited number of CardioRela­x for readers of this publicatio­n. Interested readers can call 1-888-604-0205to secure a risk-free trial offer of CardioRela­x.

As a thank-you, the first five hundred callers will also receive a free copy of Dr. Merritt’s book, The Blood Pressure

Solution. It sells for $47, but the first 500 callers get it free. Call 1-888-604-0205 today while supplies last!


 ??  ?? Patients everywhere are thrilled with their improving blood pressure numbers.
Patients everywhere are thrilled with their improving blood pressure numbers.

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