Austin American-Statesman

What causes watery eyes?

- Dr. David Tremblay

Q: Why do my eyes water all the time, especially my left eye?

A: This is actually impossible to know without an examinatio­n from an eye doctor. But you should consider two major things: Your tear drainage system may be plugged, or you may have dry eyes. Although this seems contradict­ory, these two conditions are the most common cause of watery eyes.

A common sign of a blockage in your eye’s drainage system would be if your eyes are constantly watery, with tears dripping onto your face. This can usually be alleviated by flushing out the tiny ducts in your eyelids that drain tears away from your eyes.

If your eyes water primarily when you are in wind or cold or when your eyes are irritated, dry eyes could be the cause. This can be helped by actually blocking the tear drainage system to keep more tears in your eyes.

While these are among the most common underlying issues that cause watery eyes, it is important to see an eye doctor if the problems persist David Tremblay, MD, is a cornea spe

cialist at Mann Eye Institute. He specialize­s in advanced corneal, cataract and refractive surgical procedures and treatments, as well as the diagnosis and care of patients with diabetes, macular degenerati­on, dry eye and glaucoma. Dr. Tremblay has a particular interest in challengin­g corneal cases and is fellowship-trained in Cornea and External Disease

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