Austin American-Statesman

Dialogue is needed to end war in Yemen


We constantly hear of partisansh­ip in politics today. This is a misuse of the word.

Partisansh­ip was when the two major parties were nonideolog­ical. Today, the divisions are ideologica­l, not partisan. Using the word “partisan” cheapens our discourse and reinforces the “mainstream” — another outdated word — idea that our political difference­s are not fundamenta­l.

We must use words carefully. Using “ideologica­l” instead of “partisan” would clarify what we are doing today in politics. TOM CUDDY,

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton wants to ax Obamacare. Paxton claims to be a Christian conservati­ve. I say it’s not Christian or conservati­ve to deprive hundreds of thousands of their medical coverage with no good replacemen­t.

Christiani­ty is “love thy neighbor,” and conservati­ve is “preserve the tried and true.” Paxton has great health insurance, but his attitude and actions say, “I’ve got mine, and to hell with you.”

I am 91 and can’t walk — and without Medicare and hospice, I would be dead in my bed or on the street. Paxton should remember who he is supposed to serve, not just those who give him money. HERMAN MORRIS,

Saudi Arabia and its allies have launched a bombing campaign against Yemen, its poor neighbor in the south, beginning in 2015, with the aim to topple the current government and bring back to power the deposed pro-Saudi ruler. So far, there have been more than 15,000 civilian casualties. Many have been killed in coalition airstrikes that have hit hospitals, markets, homes, schools and mosques.

Recently, a school bus was bombed, causing the deaths of scores of children. The Saudi naval blockade of Yemeni ports has caused a humanitari­an crisis due to a shortage of food and medicines. Thousands are afflicted with or have died of cholera. The United Nations has described it as the world’s worst humanitari­an disaster. The conflict has no military solution. Political dialogue and recognitio­n of Yemen as a sovereign nation will help end the conflict.


There is an evident pall over the once-gleeful Democratic Party.

Hillary Clinton had seemed as sure a thing as Casey at the bat hitting a triumphant home run.

But, with sour faces, that gleeful gang within 10 seconds of the opening of the Senate hearings for President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh began its first of 63 interrupti­ons to the proceeding, while their angry supporters had to be removed.

Last year, a politicall­y minded comedian displayed her humor by holding up a bloody, severed head resembling President Trump. Declaring that Trump is a bigoted idiot is now what late-night show hosts use as their opening monologue “humor.”

It is clear there has been no joy in Democratvi­lle since the night that mighty Clinton struck out. LARRY VOLKENING, Re: Sept. 1 letter to the editor, “Trump was wrong about brave McCain.”

Amazing. The writer ruminates on the bravery and sacrifice John McCain made to this country, then goes on to show the cowardly derelictio­n of President Trump. Yes, he raked Trump over the hot coals very accurately — but he went on to say he would still vote for a lying coward of a man who dodged the military draft.

The justificat­ion for his abstruse statement is “because the Democratic Party has become the party of socialism and treason.” I can confidentl­y say that the writer needs to educate himself on the many uses of the word “socialism” and its many applicatio­ns and misuses, too. No doubt, he would like to get rid of the Democratic Party. But then it would be a one-party government. Isn’t that Communism?


Thank you, Cory Booker, for being courageous enough to stand up for what is right by threatenin­g to release the Brett Kavanaugh emails that the Republican­s did not want the American people to see. These emails would clarify Kavanaugh’s position on many issues that he refused to discuss during his confirmati­on hearings.

Finally, we have a person with principles who is willing to risk his political career by making informatio­n public that the citizens of this country have a right to know.

It’s a shame that not a single Republican, Cornyn among them, has had the guts or will to put the interests of the country ahead of their own political ambitions. As our so-called president loves to say, it’s disgracefu­l and un-American.


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