Austin American-Statesman

IVF treatments resume under new Alabama law


MONTGOMERY, Ala. – At least one clinic in Alabama has resumed in vitro fertilizat­ion treatments after the governor signed a bill into law shielding providers from potential legal liability raised by a court ruling that equated frozen embryos to children.

Alabama Fertility Specialist­s performed several embryo transfers Thursday, news outlets reported. Video from CBS News showed staff celebratin­g with a toast, and Dr. Mamie McLean said seeing patients again was “incredibly exciting.”

“We were able to talk about IVF care,” McLean told CBS News. “We were able to timeline – lots of smiles, lots of hope and optimism.”

Alabama Fertility was among three clinics that paused the procedures after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled last month that three couples whose frozen embryos were destroyed in an accident at a storage facility could pursue wrongful death lawsuits for their “extrauteri­ne children.” The ruling, treating an embryo the same as a child or gestating fetus under the wrongful death statute, raised concerns about civil liabilitie­s for clinics.

The new law, which took effect immediatel­y upon signing Wednesday night, shields providers from prosecutio­n and civil lawsuits “for the damage to or death of an embryo” during IVF services.

Patients who had IVF procedures – that were abruptly canceled or cast in doubt – are able to move forward again at clinics with plans to resume. They described a mixture of relief and gratitude, but also frustratio­n and anger over the disruption and intrusion.

Meghan Cole, 31, who had a Feb. 23 appointmen­t for an embryo transfer to their surrogate, was told 36 hours before the procedure that the appointmen­t would be canceled. She said they are moving forward again, although it will take several weeks for the medication protocol to get the surrogate ready again.

“We’ve been delayed and obviously

“We’ve been delayed and obviously lost some money and time, but we are back on track. This is the best-case scenario out of the really hard last couple weeks.”

Meghan Cole Alabama IVF patient

lost some money and time, but we are back on track. This is the best-case scenario out of the really hard last couple weeks,” Cole said.

“These are real people and real lives that this interrupte­d. I just want people to understand that what we vote on and what we think is important has consequenc­es and sometimes they are unintended,” Cole said.

The University of Alabama at Birmingham said in a statement Thursday that it was “working to get patients scheduled or reschedule­d for treatments as soon as possible,” but did not say exactly when that would be. A spokeswoma­n did not immediatel­y respond to an email Friday.

“Patients whose health circumstan­ces or phase of treatment requires greater urgency will be scheduled first,” the statement said.

The Center for Reproducti­ve Medicine in Mobile said in a statement that it would not reopen until it had legal clarity “on the extent of the immunity” the new state law provided.

“At this time, we believe the law falls short of addressing the fertilized eggs currently stored across the state and leaves challenges for physicians and fertility clinics trying to help deserving families have children of their own,” the statement said.

The center was a defendant in wrongful death lawsuits the Alabama Supreme Court considered in its IVF ruling last month.

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