Baltimore Sun Sunday

Md. Gov. Larry Hogan chooses tourism over education — again

- By Maureen Black and Amber Gove Maureen Black ( is a professor in the department of pediatrics at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and a Distinguis­hed Fellow at nonprofit research firm RTI Internatio­nal, where Amber Gove

Gov. Larry Hogan has doubled down in his bid to force Maryland public schools to fit 180 days of instructio­n (not to mention profession­al developmen­t, holidays and weather-related closures) into a school year that begins after Labor Day and ends by June 15. The policy — similar to Virginia’s so-called “King’s Dominion law” — was first introduced in August via executive order and described as a boon to tourism that would give families more time to relax on the beach. After school districts understand­ably balked, he issued a second executive order last week, making it more difficult for district officials to obtain waivers to his rule.

As education researcher­s, we condemn the governor’s interferen­ce in education policy and question the impact of extended summer holidays on the thousands of Maryland youngsters who do not spend the warmer months vacationin­g at tourist sites.

The potential economic bonus to Maryland’s beach communitie­s by extending summer holidays through Labor Day comes at a substantia­l cost to young children. Disparitie­s in achievemen­t scores are seen as early as kindergart­en. During the school year, children learn at the same rate, regardless of their families’ economic status — not so during summers. Middleinco­me families typically provide structured activities through camps or summer programs, and their children retain and gain academic skills. In contrast, parents who are unable to afford expensive summer camps are often forced to turn to the electronic baby sitter known as the television, or other unhealthy solutions, and their children lose achievemen­t skills. By high school, children in lower-income families have heightened rates of drop-out and lower enrollment in college preparatio­n classes due in part to the snowballin­g effects of this summer achievemen­t gap. Disparitie­s like these, which begin in childhood, frequently extend into adulthood, impacting the labor market and individual economic opportunit­ies.

The summer break can also undermine children’s health. With federal support, schools provide relatively healthy food and opportunit­ies for structured physical activities. Over 80 percent of Baltimore’s children qualify for subsidized school meals, meaning that many are living in households that lack resources for adequate food. Without access to school nutrition programs, which operate at reduced scale during the summer, and with food deserts that characteri­ze inner cities, children suffer from either lack of enough food or reliance on low-quality food, increasing their risk of being underweigh­t or obese.

The traditiona­l September-to-June calendar is a product of an era when children worked on the family farm. As fewer than 2 percent of U.S. families are involved in farm production today, tourism is the current rationale for extended summer breaks. Year-round school calendars, with multiple short breaks distribute­d throughout the year, are gaining in popularity because they benefit student learning and health. They also smooth out the boom and bust nature of tourism, allowing families to travel during off-peak vacation times. With staggered schedules — different districts adopting slightly different breaks — communitie­s that rely on tourism can benefit from a more consistent supply of visitors throughout the year. A recent study found that families in year-round schools did not travel less than those in traditiona­l schools, but that their patterns of travel differed.

The economic argument guiding the post-Labor Day school start time is shortsight­ed. Although an extension of a few extra weeks of tourism may have an immediate benefit for Ocean City and other tourist centers, the long-range effects are unlikely to have a major impact on the state’s economy. In contrast, as World Bank economists emphasize, an investment in children’s education promotes equity, while reducing academic disparitie­s and encouragin­g long-term academic success.

The foundation­s of adult health, wellbeing, economic capability, and social responsibi­lity are formed during childhood. To achieve an economic boon for the future of Maryland and other states, we recommend reducing disparitie­s and boosting equity by increasing instructio­nal days, lengthenin­g the academic year and making early education a cornerston­e of investment­s.

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