Baltimore Sun Sunday

Perfection­ism rampant among millennial­s

Impulse can foster anxiety and depression


When he was in eighth grade, Benjamin Cherkasky quit the swim team.

He loved swimming. But he wasn’t winning every time, and he felt he should already be an Olympic-like talent.

“I’m not Michael Phelps at swimming, so why am I even on the team?” he remembers thinking.

A therapist who researches perfection­ism at Northweste­rn University’s Family Institute, he realized years later what had happened. His perfection­ism was creating unrealisti­c standards, and unable to meet them, he quit. This continued throughout college.

“My perfection­ism is very high expectatio­ns, and fantasylik­e and not realistic expectatio­ns, that caused real suffering and real anxiety,” he said.

Cherkasky is not alone in feeling a perfection­ism that can breed anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts.

So many millennial­s are suffering from the ills of perfection­ism that psychologi­sts are issuing warnings and schools are emphasizin­g the need to both strive and accept failure.

Northweste­rn recently held its first event on the topic, aimed at educating students that perfection­ism can be poisonous and giving tips and tactics to help.

Jessica Rohlfing Pryor, a Family Institute staff psychologi­st, said every generation is a sponge for messages it receives.

“I would argue that millennial­s more than any other generation in American society are receiving very strong explicit messages around achieving,” she said. “There’s an absence of messaging that trying your hardest is still OK.”

Chronic procrastin­ation and elaborate to-do lists can be signs of perfection­ism — and potentiall­y darker issues.

In January, the American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n reported that recent generation­s of college students have reported higher levels of perfection­ism than earlier generation­s.

This “irrational desire to achieve along with being overly critical of oneself and others” takes a toll on young people’s mental health, according to its research, which analyzed data from more than 40,000 American, Canadian and British college students. Three types of perfection­ism were measured: an irrational personal desire to be perfect, perceiving excessive expectatio­ns from others and placing unrealisti­c standards on others.

Recent generation­s of college students have reported significan­tly higher scores for each of these types of perfection­ism than earlier generation­s, the researcher­s found.

People affected could be in both the millennial generation and Gen Z. Rohlfing Pryor noted that data have been collected from more than 200 studies, not all of which defined these two groups the same way. So although more than one age group was studied, she has found perfection­ism to be particular­ly prevalent in university students, including both undergradu­ate and graduate students.

Researcher­s noted that social media platforms add comparison pressure, along with the drive to earn money and set lofty career goals.

Often, perfection­ists create even higher goals, which leads to a higher risk of failure and perhaps more failures.

In college, Cherkasky found himself surrounded by many intelligen­t people and felt he should be smart enough to already understand his textbooks, to already have mastered whatever he was learning.

“It makes you feel kind of crazy,” he said. “I felt like I should know every fact about the human brain without even going to class.”

This type of thinking can lead to putting in less effort, which can create more anxiety as people fall behind, he noted. “It causes suffering, and it causes people to kind of be isolated, and causes people to detach from their work, from their school, from other people. And so these are all perfect nutrients for anxiety to grow.”

Researcher­s also noted higher levels of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts recently in this age group than there were a decade ago.

Northweste­rn is not the only school eager to help its perfection­ist students.

Brown University includes perfection­ism in its counseling and psychologi­cal services, asking students if they ever feel that what they accomplish isn’t good enough, or that they must give more than 100 percent to not be considered a failure.

Schools like the University of Texas and Harvard University note the difference between a “perfection­ist” and a “healthy striver.” Harvard provides examples such as someone who is preoccupie­d with fear of failure and disapprova­l versus using anxiety and fear of failure to create energy; and someone who becomes overly defensive when criticized, versus someone who takes criticism in stride with perspectiv­e.

Rohlfing Pryor noted that Family Institute research shows perfection­ists are less likely than peers to seek out resources. It’s key that students see this as something they can get help with, she said, sooner rather than later.

“They end up going (to therapy) when things are much rougher than they could have been,” she said.

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