Baltimore Sun Sunday




What to look for at the store: Mexican and Hawaiian papayas are the most popular in supermarke­ts. If you can choose, opt for Hawaiians (the smaller of the two). The larger the papaya, the more energy it takes to fruit.

Planting: Cut the papaya in half lengthwise and remove the seeds, setting aside six on a paper towel. (You ultimately need to grow male and female plants; to maximize your chances of doing so, you’ll want to plant more than two seeds.) One at a time, rub the seeds on the paper towel to remove their gelatinous coating. This prevents mold from growing once the seeds are sown.

Fill a six-cell seedling starter tray with seed starter mix. (Avoid garden soil, which is too heavy.) Place each papaya seed about 1⁄4-inch deep in the soil. Water thoroughly. Place in an area that is ideally warm and not too dry. Sunlight isn’t necessary at this stage. A 75-degree environmen­t is best — the seeds should sprout in about two weeks — but 65 degrees will do.

After the seeds germinate, transfer to 3-inch containers filled with regular potting soil. Place in a spot that gets six to eight hours of sun, ideally a south- or west-facing window. With less sun, the sprout will grow leaves, but won’t fruit. Papaya plants prefer temperatur­es above 65 degrees and can be placed outside in the summer.

The plants will need to be transplant­ed as they grow. In about three to four weeks, or when you see roots coming through the containers’ drainage holes, it’s time to move into a larger pot.

Watering: Expect to water roughly twice a week. Sink your finger an inch into the soil; if it’s dry, it’s time to water. Give the plants a full soaking.

Harvesting: After eight to 10 months of growth, papaya plants should begin to flower. Identify the males and females: Males produce long, tubular flowers, females produce short, round flowers.

At that time, if your plants are outside, place a female next to a male, and nature will do the work for you. If your plants are inside, take a Q-tip and swab the pollen inside the male flower, then rub it around the female flower. In about two weeks, if the pollinatio­n was successful, a fruit will start swelling from the female flower. Depending on the conditions, a papaya will be ready to harvest within six to 10 months. What to look for at the store: Choose a pineapple with healthy green leaves.

Planting: Twist off the leafy top of the pineapple with your hands; the riper the pineapple, the easier this will be. A small piece of the core should come off with the top — this is where the roots will grow. Trim the leaves from the bottom 1⁄2 to 1 inch of the top’s base, then let sit for 24 hours to allow the core to dry.

Fill a 5-inch pot with potting soil. Place the pineapple on top, gently securing the core in the soil. Water until you see seeping at the drainage holes. Place in an area that gets all-day indirect light, ideally a north-facing window or an east-facing window with a sheer curtain. Keep the room between 65 and 75 degrees.

Watering: Expect to water about once per week. Sink your finger an inch into the soil; if it’s dry, it’s time to water. Use a watering can, not the sink; too much water can cause the root to rot. If it’s too dry, the leaves will begin to curl.

Harvesting: When you see new green leaves growing from the top, the core has grown roots. At this point, move the plant to a location that gets eight to 12 hours of direct sunlight. The plant will flower in about two years. About four to five months later, the flower will fruit.

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