Baltimore Sun Sunday

In Tennessee, inmates opt for electric chair over injection

- By Travis Loller

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The inmate’s request was a surprising one, made three days before he was to be executed in October 2018: Edmund Zagorski told the state of Tennessee he’d rather die in the electric chair than receive a lethal injection.

Some took the request as a ploy to buy time. Defense attorney Kelley Henry insisted Zagorski was motivated by a sincere belief the lethal drugs used in Tennessee — anchored by the sedative midazolam — would mean a prolonged and agonizing death.

The state granted his request, and days later on Nov. 1, 2018, Zagorski was strapped into the stout wooden chair nicknamed “Old Sparky” and put to death for shooting and slitting the throats of two men during a 1983 drug deal. Since then, the state has executed two other inmates by electrocut­ion, bringing the total to three in the past year.

Tennessee is one of six states where inmates can choose the chair, but it’s the only state where they’re actually doing so. Courts in Georgia and Nebraska have declared the electric chair unconstitu­tional and the U.S. Supreme Court has never fully considered its constituti­onality.

Zagorski and the others filed court challenges hoping to block their executions, arguing that both the electric chair and Tennessee’s lethal injection procedure violate the U.S. Constituti­on’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. The courts refused to hear their arguments about electrocut­ion because the inmates had voluntaril­y chosen that method, even though they said the decision was made under duress.

“Tennessee is the clearAccor­ding est example of several dilemmas created by the U.S. Supreme Court on what constitute­s cruel and unusual punishment and on state secrecy,” said Robert Dunham, executive director of the nonprofit Death Penalty Informatio­n Center.

In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that an inmate challengin­g a specific method of execution as cruel and unusual must show a more humane method is readily available.

Inmates argued last year before the state Supreme Court that Tennessee should copy Texas in adopting a single dose of the barbiturat­e pentobarbi­tal. That case was dismissed, however, after Correction Department officials testified that pentobarbi­tal was unavailabl­e. The inmates couldn’t effectivel­y challenge that testimony because the process of procuring execution drugs is secret under state law.

No state uses the electric chair as its main execution method. Virginia is the only other state to use the chair this decade and hasn’t done so since 2013. Before Zagorski’s execution, Tennessee had electrocut­ed only one other inmate since 1960.

to the Death Penalty Informatio­n Center, over the past five years, five states have abolished capital punishment or placed a moratorium on executions. Of the 25 states where executions could still be carried out in theory, another seven have not done so this decade. The Death Penalty Informatio­n Center doesn’t take a stand on the death penalty though it is critical of its applicatio­n.

The Tennessee inmates’ decision to request the chair might seem counterint­uitive, given those who say lethal injection provides a humane and relatively painless death. But as pharmaceut­ical companies have worked to keep their drugs out of execution chambers, states have had to revise their protocols to match the drugs they can get their hands on.

In Tennessee, those are midazolam, a sedative used to render the inmate unconsciou­s; vecuronium bromide, to paralyze the inmate; and potassium chloride, to stop the heart.

Expert witnesses for the inmates testified last July that midazolam wouldn’t prevent inmates from feeling pain and that Tennessee’s three-drug combinatio­n would cause them sensations of drowning, suffocatio­n and chemical burning while rendering them unable to move or call out.

Because the inmates couldn’t prove pentobarbi­tal was available, the court didn’t consider their evidence.

After Billy Ray Irick received a lethal injection in August 2018 for the slaying of a 7-year-old Knoxville girl decades ago, the inmates tried to challenge the method again. They pointed out that Irick’s death took about 20 minutes, during which he coughed and huffed before turning dark purple. But the courts refused to take up the case.

 ?? MARK HUMPHREY/AP ?? Three condemned inmates in Tennessee have chosen the electric chair, claiming lethal injection is worse.
MARK HUMPHREY/AP Three condemned inmates in Tennessee have chosen the electric chair, claiming lethal injection is worse.

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