Baltimore Sun Sunday

Study: Suicides hide in overdoses

Johns Hopkins researcher concludes up to third of opioid deaths not accident

- By Meredith Cohn

Tens of thousands of people fatally overdose each year on opioids and other drugs. Sometimes medical examiners label them accidents, and sometimes they don’t know what to call them.

But where humans waver, a computer program using a kind of artificial intelligen­ce finds that many are likely suicides — possibly a third of them, according to a study by a Johns Hopkins School of Medicine researcher who partnered with a Utah high school student.

The informatio­n could bring sharper focus to the scope of epidemics of both opioid abuse and suicides, as well as the need for resources.


“If we’re trying to prevent deaths in the community, we have to figure out why people are dying,” said Dr. Paul Nestadt, the Johns Hopkins assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences who was one of the study’s authors.

“If people are dying by accidental overdose, the best interventi­ons — naloxone availabili­ty and treatment in the community for addiction — are different from those for suicide, like the availabili­ty of hotlines and antidepres­sants,” he said.

There have been other attempts to identify the suicides hidden in the

overdose numbers. This study, recently published in the journal Suicide and Life-Threatenin­g Behavior, backs up some of those findings. The Hopkins research, however, may be the first attempt to use so-called machine learning to verify the estimates.

Under the model, the researcher­s entered informatio­n about overdose deaths in Utah from 2012 to 2015 into an algorithm. The data included age, sex, race, history of mental illness, and stressors like job loss, Nestadt said. The algorithm, taught to recognize the importance of risk factors, combined the data to determine the probabilit­y that a case was a suicide.

Few overdose cases nationally are labeled suicides because, absent a suicide note, examiners are often unsure of the drug user’s intent. That’s led to overdose cases largely being called accidents or “undetermin­ed.”

Overdoses quadrupled over two decades to about 70,000 in 2017, mostly due to opioids that include prescripti­on painkiller­s and illicit heroin and fentanyl. Suicides have risen by about a quarter to 47,000 in about the same time frame.

“There are two epidemics, suicide and opioids,” said Dr. Ian Rockett, who has been researchin­g the undercount­ing of suicides for a decade. “They tend to be treated separately, when there is considerab­le overlap.”

Rockett, who was not involved in the computer study, said it may have found a way to ascertain more accurate suicide numbers among the overdoses, making it important.

The study, which could end up influencin­g policy nationwide, grew out of a science fair project by a freshman at West High School in Salt Lake City. Daphne Liu was working on a project involving machine learning, and someone in Utah’s health department suggested she tap statewide overdose data.

The idea resonated with her; her brother had lost a friend to a drug overdose.

Liu uncovered the likely suicides. In 2018, her project won first place in the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s Addiction Science Award. Nestadt read about the award and contacted Liu’s science teacher to suggest that they work together to refine and publish the findings.

Liu, now a high school junior, said the researcher­s hoped to continue modifying the algorithm to evaluate fatal overdoses from other states, which could make the data more useful. In Utah, about 20% of overdose cases had an undetermin­ed manner of death. Next up may be Maryland, where 80% of cases were labeled undetermin­ed, by far the highest number of any state.

“The biggest thing I hope comes of this is awareness,” Liu said. “We’re already told the suicide rates are super high. But that’s not the whole picture. … It’s up to policymake­rs to decide what to do with it.”

Rockett said more detailed autopsies may be needed to find the suicides among overdose cases. The gold standard would be “psychologi­cal autopsies” in which family, friends, co-workers and others are interviewe­d, a practice that originated in the 1950s in California but was largely abandoned because of the expense, said Rockett, professor emeritus in West Virginia University’s Department of Epidemiolo­gy.

“Suicide gets neglected by investigat­ors for practical reasons,” Rockett said. “The trouble is, though, if you’re not measuring suicides accurately then you’re not preventing them.”

He said the computer study had limitation­s, many noted by the researcher­s themselves. The model is only as good as the data, and many states don’t collect good informatio­n on the lives of each overdose case, Rockett said.

He also said the computer didn’t review cases that were labeled accidents, assuming that they were labeled properly, and examiners likely missed suicides in this category.

Further, some cases may be more nuanced, Rockett said, with drug users not intending to die that day but still intending to harm themselves.

Still, he said, the computer study provided useful informatio­n and could help draw attention to rising overdose suicide cases that may be under public radar.

Another researcher, Michael Schoenbaum, said the computer may be overreachi­ng, and that Utah specifical­ly may not be a good proxy for other states.

But Schoenbaum, a senior adviser for mental health services, epidemiolo­gy and economics at the National Institutes of Mental Health, said strict death certificat­e labels may not matter so much when it comes to treatment. Suicides and accidental overdoses are both “deaths of despair,” he said.

“If someone presents today with an accidental injury, tomorrow they may be a suicide risk, and we need to be more proactive in finding people with any combinatio­n of risk,” he said. “The outcome you want for patients is not being dead.”

That is an area of agreement on a controvers­ial subject, said Dr. Maria Oquendo, president of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and a past president of the American Psychiatri­c Associatio­n.

Her own review of research in 2018 concluded that at least 30% of all overdose deaths were likely suicides, though the number could be closer to 40%. Her findings took into account emergency department data that included interviews with overdose survivors about their intent.

Oquendo, chair of the University of Pennsylvan­ia’s psychiatry department, said efforts are underway to improve the data, including developmen­t of national reporting standards for medical examiners, coroners and others who categorize overdose deaths. Computer modeling could help.

There is value in getting the data right because there are proven life-saving interventi­ons, she said.

“It’s definitely worth knowing,” she said. “It’s definitely worth trying to save a life.”

Finding people before they overdose is key, researcher and clinicians say. They suggested, among other efforts, universal screening in emergency department­s and elsewhere for those who have considered suicide; then seeking treatment and taking steps such as eliminatin­g pills, alcohol and firearms from the homes of those deemed at risk.

Dr. Kenneth Stoller, director of the Johns Hopkins Broadway Center for Addiction, agrees that treatment works for people with addictions and mental health disorders, and there is overlap.

He said those with substance use disorders often live on a continuum between wanting to live to wanting to die.

Their feelings can waver depending on whether they are intoxicate­d or in withdrawal and in the throes of depression, for example.

Mental health disorders and addiction are both diseases of the brain that are “very tied together in a very dangerous way,” he said.

He said treatment generally involves medication and counseling, as well as compassion and empathy.

As for labeling overdose deaths as suicides or accidents, Stoller said he wasn’t sure those buckets were enough.

“When I get a chance to ask patients who survive their drug use, they tell me it’s about escaping,” he said. “Whether someone wanted to escape permanentl­y or absolutely wanted it to be temporary, or somewhere in between, it may be tough to tell.”

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 ?? HANDOUT ?? Daphne Liu, now a junior at West High School in Salt Lake City, worked with Dr. Paul Nestadt, a Johns Hopkins School of Medicine researcher, to refine and publish her machine learning study that found up to a third of overdoses were likely suicides.
HANDOUT Daphne Liu, now a junior at West High School in Salt Lake City, worked with Dr. Paul Nestadt, a Johns Hopkins School of Medicine researcher, to refine and publish her machine learning study that found up to a third of overdoses were likely suicides.

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