Baltimore Sun Sunday

Census critical, but many citizens may go uncounted

- By Monica Guerrero Vazquez

This year marks the beginning of a new decade and importantl­y, a new Census — the nationwide survey that will influence the political and socio-economic agenda for the next 10 years.

When I moved to Baltimore in 2011, the Census data from the previous year had been released and with it came a debate on redistrict­ing and the loss of representa­tion in the General Assembly. Nine years later, I have witnessed the growth of immigrant communitie­s in Baltimore. You can see the demographi­c shift throughout the city from inclusive murals to the growing number of minority-owned businesses. The recent Year in Review report from the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant and Multicultu­ral Affairs highlighte­d the tremendous contributi­ons by immigrants who account for 1 in 5 businesses in Baltimore. The Latino population alone represents approximat­ely 8% of the city’s population, a 134% increase since the last census.

Nonetheles­s, it is common to hear people say, “there is only a small percentage of immigrants,” or, “we don’t have more interprete­rs because there aren’t very many non-English speakers.” The 2020 Census is an opportunit­y for immigrants and all marginaliz­ed groups to be counted. An accurate count can further justify demands for political, health care, public health, education and systemic changes. A low count could perpetuate further budget cuts to social programs and clinics, redistrict­ing and the loss of political representa­tion needed for communitie­s to thrive.

The Census Bureau acknowledg­es their inability to reach certain communitie­s, which they call hard-to-count. This refers to “[communitie­s] for whom a real or perceived barrier exists to full and representa­tive inclusion in the data collection process.” In addition to immigrants, households with single parents, young children, low income and limited access to the internet are overrepres­ented in hardto-count communitie­s. Why? Consider the following. You have neither internet access nor a computer in your home. You receive a letter from an agency you don’t know, in a language you can’t read, asking you to submit personal informatio­n online.

I have worked at Centro SOL, the Center for Salud/Health and Opportunit­ies for Latinos at Johns Hopkins, where we have advocated for quality health and healthcare access for the Latinx community in Baltimore, for more than five years. We work with Latinx, low-income, limited internet-access and limited English-proficient families who comprise hard-tocount communitie­s. It is very common for my team and me to assist families respond to letters they receive written in English regarding health insurance, utility bills and scholarshi­ps notificati­ons for their children. The language in which the Census Bureau notifies households about the submission form is based on the previous census. In cities like Baltimore, where there has been significan­t, rapid demographi­c change, families with limited English proficienc­y are not part of the 2010 data, therefore may not be reached in their preferred language and consequent­ly may not submit the form.

The Census has historical­ly undercount­ed marginaliz­ed groups, and a language barrier to the Census participat­ion risks increasing disparitie­s through selective undercount­ing. This not only effects individual communitie­s, but also entire cities. Starting this month, along with many other organizati­ons around Baltimore, Centro SOL will launch a census campaign to reach out to households in hard-to-count neighborho­ods. Everyone on my team will receive informatio­n about the Census to be prepared to answer questions and encourage families with limited English proficienc­y to submit the census form.

There is no makeup when communitie­s are undercount­ed for the next 10 years, and statistics from the Census influence policy. Results from the Census “shapes Congress and its legislativ­e framework” and impact federal funding allocation.

Baltimore could lose about $1,800 per person who is not counted. Marginaliz­ed groups are the population­s that might benefit the most from better political representa­tion, more federal funds and the potential policies that might be instituted if there is an accurate representa­tion of the population.

For example, programs like the Special Supplement­al Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, school meals programs and funding to the Health Resources and Services Administra­tion could all be negatively impacted by inaccurate Census counts. The Health Resources and Services Administra­tion funds federal health clinics in Maryland “based on an assessment of the need of services in a given area and the merit of the applicatio­n submitted” based on Census data of underserve­d population­s.

We all have a role in ensuring that everyone is counted as accurately as possible in order to reflect the needs, assets and qualities of the community. Talk with your neighbor about the Census and join organizati­ons, like the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs and the advocacy group CASA, that are driving campaigns like #BmoreCount­s to make sure everyone is counted in this year’s Census.

Monica Guerrero Vazquez (mguerre3@ is executive director of Centro SOL, an affiliate of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

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