Baltimore Sun Sunday

Pachysandr­a troubles and how best to fertilize


The weakened condition of your pachysandr­a during the drought probably contribute­d to what is now a massive infection of volutella, a fungal disease. Most of the time, volutella infects old pachysandr­a beds where debris builds up below the leaves holding moisture and creating an incubator for the disease. Consequent­ly, we usually get volutella questions in a wet year. In fact, the recordbrea­king rains of two summers ago may have started this volutella infestatio­n.

At any rate, to renovate your bed, mow or cut it down in early spring, rake out all the infected material and the years of organic debris, then simply let it regrow. The roots are extensive and should have plenty of stored energy to accomplish regrowth.

Do not let it dry out this year. Search pachysandr­a on the Home and Garden Informatio­n Center website.

Keep in mind that Japanese pachysandr­a is now considered a non-native invasive plant, and it should never be allowed to get into natural or park areas and take over. When replacing pachysandr­a, plant natives when possible.

When fertilizer is applied too early before planting, some nitrogen will be released and wasted. Your soil test instructio­ns mean to apply the fertilizer once, just before planting. It can be raked in; it does not need to be tilled in.

An applicatio­n of a liquid fertilizer, such as Miracle-Gro, to each vegetable transplant is okay at planting time. It will give it a little boost of immediatel­y available nutrients. Once flowering and fruiting is underway, some “heavy feeder” crops require a mid-season applicatio­n of fertilizer. Applied on the surface, and watered or gently scratched in, this is known as side-dressing.

You cannot remove excessive nutrients such as phosphorus. Their levels will lower naturally. However, as phosphorus is one of the nutrients destructiv­e to our waterways, do not add phosphorus. We do recommend adding organic matter to your vegetable bed each year, which will reduce the need for supplement­al fertilizer.

University of Maryland Extension’s Home and Garden Informatio­n Center offers free gardening and pest informatio­n at Click “Ask Maryland’s Gardening Experts” to send questions and photos.

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