Baltimore Sun Sunday

Stop micromanag­ing

- By Suzanne Lucas

If you feel out of control, or that your job is in jeopardy, micromanag­ing people is not the quick fix.

Almost no one would admit to being a micromanag­er. They are just “detail-oriented” or focused on getting things “perfect.” While these phrases sound much better than “I like to nitpick my employees’ work!” your employees see through it.

Here are some ideas to help you step back and stop micromanag­ing.

Make a set training period

When you hire someone, set aside a specific time period for training, devote resources and time to training the new employee, and then step back. Let your employee come to you when they have questions.

Do you feel out of control?

I’ve been blessed with very few micromanag­ers in my career — but I worked with one. She wasn’t my boss, but she reported directly to the chief human resources officer, and nothing got to him without her approval. I had to send him a monthly report, and this is how it went every single month.

It took her longer to write the detailed email about what she wanted me to do than it would have taken her to do herself. It wasn’t about the report — she couldn’t have cared less about the number of pixels in the line on the grid. It was about asserting control. She wanted to remind everyone that no one got to him without her approval, and this was the way to do it.

If you feel out of control, or that your job is in jeopardy, micromanag­ing people is not the quick fix. Sit down with your boss (or with yourself ) and set goals for the upcoming year. Figure out how you can best use your time.

If you do this and still feel out of control and stressed about what others do (and they are doing a good job), consider talking with a therapist. Your employee assistance program can help refer you — most companies have one.

Evaluate by results, not time in the seat

Many employers have struggled with people working from home during the pandemic because they “can’t see if someone is working.”

You need to look at results, not at whether someone is available on Slack. Is the employee getting his work done?

Are his clients happy? If so, step back. If the employee isn’t getting his work done, then by all means talk about what needs to change. But figure that out with the results, not Facetime.


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