Baltimore Sun Sunday

Black art on display in ‘Art of Activism’

New exhibit featured at Maryland Hall in Annapolis

- By Lilly Price

Six solid black banners that read “Black Lives Matter” in bold yellow letters were draped in front of Maryland Hall during civil rights protests in Annapolis this summer.

The banners, repurposed in color and varying designs by eight Black artists based in Maryland, now welcome guests to visit Maryland Hall’s threefloor “Art of Activism” exhibit, open from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. every Wednesday and Friday until Feb. 27.

“Today more than ever we need to use art to not only provide beauty and escapism but also to develop agency, educate, and provide discomfort for the social consciousn­ess,” Maryland Hall describes the new exhibit. “Art of Activism explores the ways in which current Maryland-based Black artists are using their work as a statement of activism.”

Annapolis multidisci­plinary artist Comacell Brown Jr., known as Cell Spitfire, helped paint two murals in the city this summer honoring victims killed by police: one for Kentucky woman Breonna Taylor and Minneapoli­s man George Floyd. Since then, the driving force behind his recent artworks is activism.

Brown’s work now hangs in Maryland Hall. The banner he was commission­ed to paint states “It’s Still Black Lives Matter,” with an image of

generation­s of Black citizens marching in the street.

Brown, 34, said he included the phrase “It’s Still” to “let people know even though it’s a new year, it’s still on the forefront of the mind. It’s still a main goal and objective to make it fair and equal for us all.”

One of Brown’s pieces shows his best friend Tre Da Kid sitting on a throne with the words “Heaven Welcomes Tre Da Kid.” Edward Montre Seay, also known as Tre Da Kid, was a popular Annapolis rapper, father and influentia­l figure in the city. The 32-yearold was murdered in 2019.

“I wanted to showcase him, not for social injustice, but just justice in general,” Brown said.

Tre Da Kid’s picture hangs in a gallery part of the three-floor exhibit expressing and exploring current and historic social justice movements and the pursuit of racial and economic equality in the United States. Prominent figures like Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, the late U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, Malcolm X and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are highlighte­d or drawn in modern day civil rights marches.

Many pieces reflect quieter moments of Black culture and everyday life: a father holding his daughter, both asleep on a metro, a cubist depiction of a man playing guitar, a mother teaching her children about their lineage in abstract paint.

Alongside images of joy, love and community, other work emphasizes names and faces of social justice victims who died from police brutality. Grief and trauma experience­d by Black and marginaliz­ed communitie­s is displayed in paint, prints, abstract multimedia and video form, including an art installati­on that fills an entire room, immersing viewers in a scene that appears to be a normal house until a closer look is taken at the intense, deeper meaning of despair.

Qrcky, a Baltimore-based painter and animator, paints striking portraits of people without eyes. Eyes, representi­ng “windows of the soul” are replaced with clocks or missing altogether to symbolize how Black people are regarded to be soulless, and consequent­ly treated as inferior.

“I paint what the world reflects back onto me. It might seem like activism because it never isn’t to me in my life. It never stops, it’s a never-ending cycle to fight against white supremacy, police brutality,” Qrcky, 45, said. “The society I live in left me no choice but to paint this.”

While at a Black Lives Matter march this summer, Schroeder Cherry asked to photograph a young father in attendance who was carrying his baby strapped on his chest. That image turned into a layered multimedia piece of the father and child surrounded by a pink background, keys and cards — items often incorporat­ed into Cherry’s work.

“If you look at Black Lives Matter, you’re really talking about people. Here’s an example, a young father with his kid at a protest,” Cherry said. “It’s a generation­al piece.”

With a theme of social and political activism, Cherry’s painted the first three Black congressme­n to represent Maryland, Parren Mitchell, Elijah Cummings and Kweisi Mfume, on playing cards to honor their own activism. He left one card unfilled as a nod to future Black political leaders.

“I wanted to get across Black lives have mattered for a long time and they will matter into the future,” he said.

Cherry, 66, created an interactiv­e artwork of Kamala Harris that viewers are invited open and touch. Harris’ body opens like a pantry where various items are housed, including a brown paper bag representi­ng a historical­ly racist practice of comparing skin tone to a paper bag. The piece represents opening a door to all parts of a person, especially their heritage.

Features artists in the exhibit were selected by a judge panel from Banneker-Douglas Museum and include Annapolis artist Comacell Brown Jr. aka Cell Spitfire; Aaron Mayin, former NFL linebacker and Baltimore painter; Baltimore-based animator and painter Qrcky; multimedia artist Schroeder Cherry from Baltimore; Ashley Milburn, a printmaker from Baltimore; David Cassidy, cubist oil painter based in Upper Marlboro; Greta Chapin McGill and Hyattsvill­e installati­on artist Nikki Brooks.

Their displayed work is available to buy. Maryland Hall plans to have some digital programmin­g with artists. QR codes located on signs around the gallery can be scanned to learn more about an artist or artwork.

 ?? PAUL W. GILLESPIE/BALTIMORE SUN MEDIA ?? Artist Qrcky is one of eight Black artists based in Maryland commission­ed for the exhibit.
PAUL W. GILLESPIE/BALTIMORE SUN MEDIA Artist Qrcky is one of eight Black artists based in Maryland commission­ed for the exhibit.
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 ?? PAUL W. GILLESPIE/BALTIMORE SUN MEDIA ?? Artist Qrcky is one of eight Black artists based in Maryland, commission­ed for the exhibit. “Art of Activism,” and his art below, is on display until Feb. 27.
PAUL W. GILLESPIE/BALTIMORE SUN MEDIA Artist Qrcky is one of eight Black artists based in Maryland, commission­ed for the exhibit. “Art of Activism,” and his art below, is on display until Feb. 27.

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