Baltimore Sun

S. Johnson to have bone spur removed


Right-hander Steve Johnson is scheduled to have surgery next Wednesday to remove a bone spur (Bennett lesion) from the back of his right shoulder.

The surgery will be done by Dr. David Altcheck in New York City, and Johnson should be fully recovered by spring training. Johnson has been dealing with some shoulder discomfort in what has been a lost season for the 27-year-old St. Paul’s graduate.

“At first, they said I had some minor tears in the shoulder, so I rehabbed, and I thought with rest and rehab, I’d be good to go. But the velocity never really fully came back, and there was discomfort, not as much pain,” Johnson said. “I wanted to make sure everything was OK. So when I got the second MRI, they said that structural­ly everything was good, I pretty much had a bone spur in the back [of the shoulder] that could be limiting me.”

Johnson, who provided the Orioles with a spark in their 2012 playoff run, was 0-3 with a 6.23 ERA this season at three levels, including a 7.11 ERA in 13 games at Triple-A Norfolk. He’s hoping he’ll be able to return to form after the surgery.

Stroman contrite about pitch to Joseph

Toronto Blue Jays rookie right-hander Marcus Stroman, who threw a head-high, 92-mph fastball behind Orioles catcher Caleb Joseph in the sixth inning Monday, said Tuesday that he meant no harm to Joseph and doesn’t want to be known as a head hunter.

The sense was that it was a purpose pitch because Joseph stepped on Jose Reyes’ hand on a play at the plate in the previous inning.

“Obviously, I’ve been thinking about it a lot,” Stroman said. “The last thing I would ever want to do is throw at somebody’s head, that’s not my intention at all. I’m sorry that the ball slipped out of my hand and got away from mein the head region. That’s the last thing I would ever want to do to Caleb or anyone in the league.” He said he planned to talk to Joseph. “I’ll definitely reach out to him at some point,” Stroman said. “Obviously, that’s not me. I’ve never thrown at someone’s head before, nor will I ever.”

Showalter talks about Angelos

Orioles manager Buck Showalter said he talked to Orioles managing partner Peter G. Angelos on Tuesday and usually meets with him once every homestand or two.

“I’m not so knowing or smug to think that I know what owning a club’s all about,” Showalter said. “But I know the passion that he has for the Orioles and the city and the fans. It’s always about what’s best.” They didn’t speak specifical­ly about the club making the playoffs. “He wouldn’t admit it. I know what this would mean to him and his family, which is part of us, too,” Showalter said. “It’s been a tough road. I get it. If I know Peter, he’ll move right on to the next challenge.”

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