Baltimore Sun

Lynch gets GOP earful

Criticized for role in Clinton decision

- By Jill Ornitz

WASHINGTON — Republican lawmakers Tuesday lambasted Attorney General Loretta Lynch over her refusal to discuss the details of the Justice Department’s decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton for using a private email server as secretary of state.

As a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee stretched into the afternoon, GOP representa­tives grew increasing­ly frustrated and angry as they pushed Lynch — without success — to answer their specific questions about the email probe.

Lynch responded time and time again that she had accepted the unanimous recommenda­tion of career agents and prosecutor­s, including FBI Director James Comey. But she said it would be “inappropri­ate to comment further” on the facts of the case or the decisionma­king process.

Lynch also faced criticism from lawmakers over her decision to meet with former President Clinton last month, which she previously admitted cast a shadow over the Justice Department’s probe.

Following the uproar over that meeting, Lynch publicly announced that she would remove herself from the final decision about whether to file charges, saying she would abide by the recommenda­tion of Comey and career prosecutor­s.

GOP lawmakers Tuesday accused Lynch of failing to Loretta Lynch frustrated GOP lawmakers Tuesday, refusing to give details about the Hillary Clinton email probe. live up to her constituti­onal duty by not personally analyzing the case.

“The buck stops with you,” said Rep. Jim Sensenbren­ner, R-Wis.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., called her refusal to discuss the matter an “abdication of your responsibi­lity.”

Rep. Steve Chabot, ROhio, and several others said the decision against filing charges gave the appearance of a double standard in Clinton’s favor.

An exasperate­d Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., told Lynch he was frustrated with what he called the lack of ownership within the Department of Justice.

“I miss Eric Holder,” Collins said, referring to Lynch’s predecesso­r, who had a notoriousl­y frosty relationsh­ip with congressio­nal Republican­s. Collins said that he may not have liked the answers that Holder gave but that at least he answered questions.

Lynch vigorously defended the department’s handling of the case as independen­t and objective. She said career agents and prosecutor­s, not political appointees, reviewed the case and made the recommenda­tion. She said repeatedly she was proud of the work they had done.

The committee divided along party lines in its questionin­g, with Republican­s focusing on Clinton’s email server and Democrats focusing on the Orlando, Fla., terror attack, the need for law enforcemen­t reform, the recent police shootings of black men, the killings in Dallas of five police officers, and strategies for repairing relationsh­ips between police and minority communitie­s.

Democrats accused Republican­s of politicizi­ng the email scandal to hurt the presumed Democratic nominee. “We are beating this email horse to death,” said Rep. Cedric Richmond, DLa.

Lynch was scheduled to testify before the House committee before Comey announced his decision. Her submitted testimony focused on the killings of five Dallas police officers by Micah Johnson.


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