Baltimore Sun

Five reasons we’ll be OK with Trump

- Jane Hill, Baltimore

It has been a long and ugly election year. All the acrimony had a negative effect on me to the extent that I could not watch the election returns on Tuesday night. While I was surprised and disappoint­ed profoundly in the results, I decided to put down my thoughts as to why I remain so positive about our country’s future.

1. The election demonstrat­ed and underscore­d how the electorate is very unhappy, frustrated and angry with the current political establishm­ent and wants to send a message that more of the same is not acceptable. Donald Trump is a clear outsider who is comfortabl­e saying what he thinks. Positive: both parties need to stop looking at themselves and really reach out to others who think differentl­y to understand what is lacking and then look to work productive­ly on reasonable solutions.

2. Some of my dear friends voted for Mr. Trump. I remind myself that friends of mine who are good, thoughtful, caring and respectful people selected Mr. Trump as he is an outsider whom they hope will bring about change to both the Republican and the Democratic party leadership.

3. Mr. Trump, true to his expertise as a marketing and business executive, found a message that worked for him and continued using it throughout the electoral process. I am hopeful now that he has been elected he will be a different kind of business leader, where he will develop a vision and plans to put objectives into action. He wants his “brand” to be great and result in a legacy of excellence.

4. Hillary Clinton, though proven to be thoroughly experience­d, knowledgea­ble and committed to the disenfranc­hised both in the U.S. and abroad, is still a part of the establishm­ent. She is the ultimate insider. Her being a woman was not the deciding factor. She was not chosen due to her intimacy and commitment to the current political stage as well as her ties to individual­s who are part of what has been implemente­d and has not worked.

Also, did anyone really want to see Bill Clinton back in the White House?

5. Change is hard and uncomforta­ble. We need to stop talking among likeminded people and openly have a conversati­on where we listen honestly and respectful­ly to others with different priorities and concerns.

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